Zel'drith Quen'fhoz

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Name: Zel'drith Quen'fhoz
Rank: Captain
Age: 25
Species: Neen, Female
Height: 1.65 m (5'5")
Weight: 51.25 kg (113lbs)
Current Command: U.S.S. Praxis, NCC-92818-S

Father - Zephyr (51)
Mother - Nalai (47)
Sister - Mel'nith (21)
Brother - Zorzsh (18)
Sister - Nex (14)
Sister - Nephf (14)

Zel always had a keen interest in exploring and trying new ideas. She excelled at her studies as a child, developing a fascination with space and the heavenly bodies in the sky above. Such was her aptitude in matters of science and astrophysics that upon reaching the age of twenty, she was one of one-hundred and fifty of her race to be admitted to Starfleet. While Zel's training at Starfleet was rigorous, it was not impossible, and she graduated in the upper quarter of her class with the rank of Lieutenant.

After three years of service on the U.S.S Highland, a mysterious spatial anomaly crippled most of the ship and killed most of the crew. Being one of few surviving officers on the small ship, Zel was appointed acting Captain and was tasked with the evacuation of the ship and the survival of the remaining crew. Rather than abandon the ship and risk travelling in shuttlecraft, she instructed the remaining crew to repair what they could; most crucial being navigation and impulse power. After nearly two weeks of repairs, and several unsuccessful attempts at creating a distress beacon, the Highland limped for a month to the nearest Federation starbase where Zel and the crew were finally rescued. A formal inquest was made regarding the incident, but no concrete cause of the anomaly was found.

For her actions which not only saved the lives of her crew, but salvaged most of the U.S.S. Highland as well, Zel was promoted to Captain and assigned to the U.S.S. Praxis.

Theme Song: "To Galaxy"