Interest check - Saturday 2nd August: How to Rescue Borg.

Hi there folks, after the Borg assault on the Pariah system I'm going to have Foster do a sweep for surviving Borg drones to *ahem* "Liberate".

If you're up for a little light-combat and RP I'm going to be about for Saturday evening - 18:00 GMT onward.

This isn't a plan as such, more a head's up that I'm going to be doing something and it's open to anyone who wants to jump in.

[edit by Katriel] 18:00 GMT ... 11am PDT, 12pm MDT, 1pm CDT, 2pm EDT
It would be cool if some of our assimilated Borg players could participate as random assimilated Starfleet officers, make it like a cleanup/rescue operation.
Ill try to be there at least.
I will try to be there with Uril, mostly to get some experience with her in an Rp setting.
I might be able to make it? Definitely interested though!
I think this would be good therapy for Tanis right now. I'm in! :)
I'm in. I promise not to bring Sant who is hating on borg at the moment. :)
Bump, this is tomorrow, all. Please note that it's EARLIER than the usual gamma hour by two hours.
Mailman wrote:
It would be cool if some of our assimilated Borg players could participate as random assimilated Starfleet officers, make it like a cleanup/rescue operation.

Honestly, with the kit equipment, armored costumes, and 'infected' complexion even non-liberated characters can make pretty passable drones.

...Not that I've been preparing for a situation like this or anything... <_< >_>
I'd love to come, but work owns me until four-thirty. Have fun!