Terix II
Independent Romulan Colony



Located in the Xarantine sector, Terix II is a planet that has formerly been on the verge of disaster, but is now on the road to recovery. It is located in the middle of the neutral zone, between the Klingons, Federation, and Romulans. It was an important member of the Romulan Star Empire, providing warbirds, raw materials, and weaponry to the empire in large numbers and high quality. Today many of those factories and shipyards are still present, though they now manufacture for other governments and civilians in the neutral zone. Despite its independence and recent hardships the planet is heavily defended and located at a place of strategic importance in the Xarantine sector. Following the destruction of Hobus, the Romulan Star Empire decided to withdraw military forces from Terix. The local Terixians took the opportunity to stage a revolution and succeeded in gaining independence from the RSE.

A curious feature of Terix is that its buildings are designed such that there are small above ground structures leading down to heavily fortified underground complexes, making up the cities on Terix. These were designed with the intention of protecting against orbital bombardment by the large military powers nearby, primarily the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Though not high in aesthetic qualities, this design method is praised as a testament to the engineering prowess of the Romulan Star Empire.

Recently Terix was on the verge of disaster. The crumbling infrastructure in continual need of improvement, and the planet contains very little soil, let alone any good for agriculture, forcing the planet to import organic material for their replicators at high volumes and high cost. A major issue the continues to persist is the lack of medical supplies, as the medical facilities are currently outdated and can't provide proper healthcare.

A lesser known part of the planets past is its long history of reunification movements. In 2381 Ambassador Spock gave a speech there while there was a large wave of reunification support. It was quelled by the Tal Shiar, but the feelings remained, leading some to look for joining the Republic. The majority of the citizens on the planet, however, felt strongly about maintaining their independence after having fought and advocated so much for it, and many had doubts about the morals and values of the Republic. Furthermore, the reunificationist members of the planet were, and still are, in the minority. After an alleged attack by the Republic on a drydock in Terixian orbit, all calls to join the Republic faded away.

In 2415 Terix approached the Federation through the 38th Fleet 'Argo' in hopes of seeking aid for their increasingly worsening condition. Aid was provided, but the first shipment was soon disrupted by a terrorist attack by Free Terix, whose aims were to weaken the power of the government and to force it to create reforms. Free Terix strived to redistribute the wealth, supplies, and aid provided by the Federation evenly throughout the planet's population. Though their goals by many are viewed as good and well meaning, their methods are harsh and do not spare civilians, leading to the them destroying a drydock with supplies, Starfleet aid workers, and Terix civilians. This was part of their 'Code 7', an attack on all off worlders, resulting in the complete extermination of everyone visiting Terix. This included the corporation known as Stitek and three Mirhassan diplomats.

The outbreak of this terrorism resulted in a brief, but intense, Terixian Civil War. The civil war was the result of long standing tensions between supporters of complete independence, alliance with the Republic, and rejoining the RSE. The standing government of the time, the Proper Terix government as it was called, gained help from the Federation initially, and aid shipments were resumed. After a Republic officer assigned to the 38th Fleet was caught accessing a terminal containing classified information, and a Republic ship was caught committing acts of espionage and sabotage in one of the drydocks, distrust of the Republic increased across the whole of the Terix population. The act of espionage was also claimed to have been committed with the assistance of Starfleet, leading to a breaking off of support.

A third faction of the Terixian Civil War was the Terix Republic, founded on stardate 92268. A briefly formed state on Terix, the Terix Republic consisted of three major cities and the land between them. It was founded by Taev tr'Velal and opposed the Proper Terix Government. Though it lacked any spacecraft it did possess a strong land army, which it uses to defend it's borders. During the Terixian Civil War it worked on expanding its range only through propaganda and persuasion, rather than through physical conquest.

At the same time that the Terix Republic formed, Starfleet officers attempted to beam down to the planet despite the border being closed at the time. Among them was Fleet Captain Perim, CO of DS13, who was captured and detained for questioning by the Terixian Navy. After finding evidence of Mirhassan interference in the civil war, Starfleet enacted a blockade of the planet in order to preserve the internal nature of the conflict. During a bombing of Free Terix settlements, four Starfleet ships broke off from the blockade and invaded Terix space, prompting the Terix Navy to respond with due force. The retaliation resulted in serious damages to three ships, and the destruction of a fourth. Though the offending Captains were placed on trial for their actions, distrust of the Federation only increased.

Hoping to prevent further intervention by Starfleet, an agreement was made by the three major factions to meet and discuss an end to the conflict. The discussions were mediated by aforementioned Captain Perim, and resulted in the creation of a new global government for Terix. The conditions for the formation of this government can be found in the Galixori Accords. Today Terix has become withdrawn from dealings with foreign governments, and is working towards terraforming to provide better conditions for agriculture.

Star: K-Class Binary
Terix I (Class D)
Terix II (Class M)

Planetary Metrics
Mass (1024 kg): 5.34
Diameter (km): 12,103
Density (kg/m3): 5,945
Gravity (m/s2): 9.78
Orbital Period (Earth days): 351
Orbital Velocity (km/s): 30.1
Mean Temperature (C): -4
Rotation Period (Earth hours): 23.4
Length of Day (Earth hours): 23.3
Number of Moons: 3

General Information
Government: People's Republic
Military: Terix Defense Force (TDF)
Population: 6.34 Million
Major Exports: Ships, Weapons, Dilithium
Primary Occupation: Ships Manufacturing
Climate: Polar Desert

United Terix Republic (UTR)
The United Terix Republic is the ruling group on Terix. Created in the aftermath of the Terixian Civil War, it was made with the intent of being able to repair infrastructure and provide food and medical care for the planet's inhabitants without assistance from outside forces. Its political structure is intended to distribute wealth and resources evenly among the colonists, while providing checks in the government structure to prevent corruption or dictatorship.
Romulan Star EmpireAggressive
Romulan RepublicCautious

Terix Defense Force (TDF)
Unlike most independent colonies, this defense force rivals the local power of many large governments in the area, namely the KDF and Starfleet. It has dozens of D'deridexes and orbital defenses are everywhere. Troops are mostly ex-imperials, and recently more are being trained due to the increase of terrorism. Their large power is the result of having been the largest Imperial shipyard in the sector, leaving it with the defenses required to defend a strategically important position and the resources to maintain and produce more ships. As a result of the Galixori Accords the TDF operates independent of the government, and acts only to defend against external threats. That being said, its power is still considerable considering the widespread xenophobia of the colony.

TDF High Commander: Dhael N'Vek

Naval Branch:
Officer in Charge: Olmese tr'Velal
Number of Combat Ships: 49
Flagship: TDFW Firebat II (Valdore Class)
Capital Ships: 10
Cruisers: 19
Destroyers/Frigates: 12
Number of Support Ships: 8

Marine Branch:
Officer in Charge: Enriov Cutait t'Kajir
Number of Active Duty Divisions: 2
Number of Embarked Divisions: -
Number of Reserve Divisions: 1

Notable Locations
Vetruvis is the largest settlement on Terix, and is where the Reunification movement first struck the planet. It houses all the major government buildings, and is located next to a large river. The river has allowed for easy water access, and is rare for the planet. It is known as a port of commerce and is where many visitors stay. This makes it the only settlement on the planet without a mine or factory supporting workers.

Galixori Canyon:
Galixori Canyon is Terix's most prized natural location. It is described as a vast chasm, with vivid green and blue veins of quartz climbing its walls, and a raging river of white water tumbling through its base. It's total length is a 343 km. It attracted many people from throughout the Romulan Star Empire, and continues to attract visitors from the Romulan Republic and other independent colonies.
Flag of the United Terix Republic


A Brief History of the Terix System

2335 - Terix system found by Romulan scouting parties.

2336 - Terix proposed to Imperial Senate for colonization due to strategic location and rich mineral and ore veins. Proposal approved.

2338 - Construction of ground settlements begins.

2340 - Drydocks and stations set up and placed into orbit around Terix II.

2345 - First wave of permanent colonists arrives and begins to settle Terix II.

2345-2387 - Terix acts as a major shipyard for the Romulan Star Empire. Location of strategic importance additionally allows the RSE to gain a strong foothold in the Xarantine sector.

2387-2392 - After the Hobus supernova, the presence of the Imperial Navy on Terix decreases. Terix rebels against the Empire and fights for independence, focusing on supporting the worker and common person.

2392 - Proper Terix Government founded.

2394 - The Romulan Star Empire sends a small task force to try and retake the planet. The task force is repelled before any soldiers reach the ground.

2398 - The Romulan Star Empire sends a delegate to Terix to broker deals and lasting peace. The delegate is assassinated and his ship is destroyed, the RSE and Terix maintain hostile intentions towards each other. Terixian beliefs in liberty and freedom from larger nations strengthens.

2399 - Quality of life begins declining rapidly for the Terix population as their resources run out and they don't have many trade partners.

2401 - The RSE begins some more negotiations with Terix, however peace is still elusive due to Terixian beliefs.

2403 - Various leaks of government records showing corruption lead to mistrust in the government. Suspicions of backdoor deals with the RSE grows.

2404 - Small extremist groups take to terrorism to dissuade the RSE and protest the corrupt Terix government. The Terix government bans public protesting, leading to increased resistance from citizens and a strengthening of the ideas of the common person's power.

2414 - Terix goes to DS13 to seek Federation aid.

2415 - Free Terix is formed as a larger and more uniform terrorist group. Despite it's difference to previous terrorist groups on Terix, the group is still very unorganized and holds no actual territory. The first justification for their actions is reunification. This claim does not last for long however. Though many citizens support major reforms in the Proper Terix Government, Free Terix is nearly universally opposed by Terix citizens.

2415 - Two members of Free Terix suicide bomb the capital.

2415 - The first shipment of aid to Terix from the Federation is stopped by a Free Terix blockade. The Federation is able to convince them to let aid through, but Free Terix executes the so-called 'Code 7'. All off-worlders are killed, including Federation aid workers and three Mirhassan diplomats.

2415 - The 38th Fleet 'Argo' goes to Terix to discuss the situation with the Commander of the Naval Branch, Enriov T'maekh Tal'Aura. Starfleet agree to resume aid shipments as long as the Federation can send inspection teams to ensure that aid is being properly distributed.

2415 - Starfleet sends an inspection team and it is found that aid is indeed being distributed properly. Their visit is cut short when several Terix ships are shot down from orbit. It is later found that these ships were from the Free Terix blockade, and were shot down by Mirhassan Warbirds.

2415 - Argo responds to a distress call from Terix claiming that the government is committing atrocities against sentient life. The Proper Terix Government does not allow them to beam down to the planet to investigate the distress call. When Argo decides to beam down in secret their transporter pattern is caught by a Terix Defense Force warbird. The away team is allowed to leave, however Fleet Captain Perim is detained for questioning. It is later discovered in released records that the distress call was a fabrication by Free Terix forces.Link, link.

2415 - The Terix Republic, a secessionist group that was comprised of three cities at the time, is formed. A civil war begins on Terix.

2415 - The 38th Fleet 'Argo' blockades Terix II in order to prevent outside interference, particularly from the RSE and Mirhassa.

2415 - The RSE is found inside Terix's territory and attempts to establish talks with Terix. The Terix government fires on their ship, causing it to retreat.

2415 - In response to witnessing a bombarding of Free Terix settlements, Captain Varely, Captain Quint, and Captain Savage intervene to stop it, despite Captain DePoe's orders to not break formation. Ten Ha'nom class warbirds unlcloak and attack said Captains. The USS Atlantis moves to assist. The three Captains receive a court martial.

2415 - Terix forms its own counter-blockade inside of the Federation with their own tachyon grid.

2415 - The Proper Terix Government denounces the Republic, accusing it of deceit and espionage. Verified footage of armored sabatuers from a Republic shuttle is presented as evidence, in addition to verified proof that said shuttle was aided in its escape by a Republic warbird.

2415 - After a meeting between Vice Admiral Rilem, Ambassador tr'Velal, Fleet Captain Perim, and Mirhassan Ambassador t'Sarnev the Federation blockade is dissolved.

2415 - Starfleet responds to a distress call by a Free Terix ship being attacked by the Proper Terix Government. The fighting is ended peacefully, with the Proper Terix Government handing over the Free Terix prisoners in exchange for alleged spies sent by either Starfleet or the Republic. Neither the spies, nor proof that they didn't exist, were handed over.

2415 - The 38th Fleet 'Argo' comes across a Terixian spy in the neutral zone. The spy requests asylum and is placed in Deep Space 13's brig. He is given to the Republic as a prisoner.

2415 - Fleet Captain Perim of DS13 travels to Terix II and helps mediate peace talks between the three factions. The Galixori Accords are formed as a basis for the formation of a new government known as the United Terix Republic. Global celebration ensues, with the new government being hailed as far more progressive and representative of the common person.

2415 - Evidence is found to suggest that the terrorist known as Keth 6 was in possession of Terix-made cloaking devices.

2416 - A body is found on an abandoned Dominion station once used by Keth 6. The body is identified as having been from Terix II.
The Terixian Fleet


A Note on the Divisions of the Terixian Fleet: One of the first things that might be noticed on the chart above is that the warbirds represented are broken into four groups. Each of these four groups is one of Terix's provinces, Æsn, Vetruvis, Urrobafv, and Galixori. The provinces on Terix are each assigned warbirds which they support, meaning that they are responsible for supplying and crewing these ships. Though the governments of these provinces have substantial influence over their warbirds, they have no direct control over them, a job reserved for the naval branch of the Terix Defense Force and the Consuls.

During wartime, however, the governors of each province are given the provisional rank of Legate, and the command of the warbirds which their province supports. It is for this reason that many voters on Terix look for military experience in addition to political experience when choosing a governor. Although a Legate has nearly absolute control over the use of their warbirds during wartime, both the Consuls and the officer in charge of the Navy can countermand or supersede any orders given by a Legate.

The one warbird that is exempt from control of a Legate and is not directly supplied or crewed by one province is the flagship of the Terixian Fleet. The current flagship is a Valdore class warbird, the TDFW Firebat II. The flagship of the fleet is crewed by exemplary officers from across the provinces on Terix, and is usually outfitted with prototype technology and weapons. During wartime the flagship is also never controlled by a Legate, and remains under the direct authority of the Navy and the Consuls.

The Provinces of Terix


  • Population: ~2 million
  • Environment: Mountainous terrain with polar climate. Very small amounts of native life in the region.
  • Main Industries: Trade and transport, energy, other services.
  • Population: ~1.5 million
  • Environment: Flat sheet of ice (5 km thick) covering the regions around the pole, with polar climate in mountainous terrain further north.
  • Main Industries: Mining, manufacturing, and construction.
  • Population: ~1.5 million
  • Environment: Flat ice sheet (3 km thick) with sloping land terrain to the mountainous areas of Vetruvis and Æsn.
  • Main Industries: Mining, ore and raw minerals processing, manufacturing
  • Population: ~1 million
  • Environment: Flat land and subpolar climate. Dominated by cold climate swamps and marshes.
  • Main Industries: Research, technology production, ore and raw minerals processing
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