Picoverbium (chemical compound)


Uncommon Chemical Compound

Picoverbium is a naturally occurring compound most frequently found on planetary surfaces, in both solid and liquid states. It is non-toxic, odorless, has a saline taste and provides similar nutritional value to zinc. In a liquid state, picoverbium is generally colorless and transparent, though extremely pure picoverbium may appear silver. As a solid, picoverbium is semi-transparent, with mottled gray and blue hints. Solid picoverbium has the texture of granite, though with much higher permeability for liquids.

One of picoverbium's more unique qualities as a solid is that its molecular structure lends it to have a staggeringly high number of resonant frequencies, which makes the material somewhat unstable when exposed to rapid oscillations, so potential exposure to explosive munitions or other high energy output effects are highly discouraged.

Melting point: 29.4 °C
Boiling point: 352 °C
Flash point: Non-flammable

Prominent source of compound found on Kelterre II.