CAPT Voris Psychological Assessment Results

Stardate 92344.3

TO VADM Rilem, FCAPT Perim
CC DS13/Medical, DS13/Counseling

SUBJ CAPT Voris Psychological Assessment results

Evaluator: Sedai, Katriel Eden
Authority: Psychological Counselor, Deep Space 13

Subject: Voris
Stardate: ((05.06.16))
Length of Interview: 2 hrs


Determine subject's state of mental health for restoration to command.


The authority granted by Starfleet Medical P.D. finds the subject to be of insufficient mental health and therefore not fit for active duty at this time. However, authority feels that the subject is making strides towards recovery and would strongly recommend that the subject revisit the matter in no less than four months time from current date.

Should the subject decide he would like a future reassessment, the authority has two additional stipulations:

  • Subject is to obtain employment and work during the period of absence. Fleet administrative positions may be available should subject be interested in staying close to Starfleet, otherwise proof of employment by third party will be required upon return.
  • Subject should take a two week non-working period of leave just prior before re-applying for re-examination and assessment.


At this time, authority registers that she has not interacted with the subject prior to his examination to any contaminating degree. Authority's opinions of the subject will be limited to those made during the listed interview duration, as well as the authority's observations of the subject's most recent 'Koboyashi Maru' live exam.

During interview, authority was generally impressed by the clearly significant amount of stoicism the subject continues to possess, despite all his past hardships. As a representative of a species that prides themselves so on their emotionless exteriors, the authority certainly feels that the subject does his heritage credit. He was capable of maintaining the semblance of composure through his recollection of traumatic events, even though he was not feeling it internally, and outwardly behaves very much like one would expect. Authority was especially pleased with the subject's self-assessment and awareness that he still has difficulties he is working through, as a denial of the existence of these would likely excessively prolong potential recovery time.

Despite these positives, the authority harbors a fair amount of concern for the relatively still freshness of the trauma the subject has experienced. Subject continues to suffer from at least weekly nightmares, disturbing enough to wake from, and is heavily dependent on certain coping mechanisms that are obvious enough to alert those around him to his potential anxious state, even without knowing anything about his situation. Authority was disturbed by the subject's chosen course of action during his live command exam, finding his choices to be understandable and even sympathetic to a degree, especially in light of his recent history, but also ultimately unacceptable as a position for a commanding officer to take.

Subject otherwise continues to possess and present many other traits that would make him a successful commander. He remains enduringly motivated and determined to serve Starfleet, maintains an unflappably incisive manner, and disposes himself with courtesy and respect towards others regardless of potential friction points. So it is with ample regret that the authority concludes that the subject has not yet reached a sufficient level of distance from his recent trauma to safely recommend him for all possible situations of command.

((The full, attached report goes on for another 14 pages.))