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Virtual Combat and Cyberwarfare Intelligence
(a.k.a. VICCI)



Guardian Pattern Tactical AI
Hologram, Prefers Female Appearance



122578.8 ((Jun 4 2189))
Logaron Directorate Research Facility 25899/74-Gamma; Delta Quadrant



  • Recruited as Civilian Specialist for the Axiom Project
  • Transferred to 38th fleet ARGO
  • Transferred to Daystrom Institute after cancellation of Axiom Project
  • Attended Starfleet Bootcamp
  • Promoted to Crewman
  • Transferred to DS13 Engineering staff



Up to Date: Y

Status: OK for active duty

Evaluator: Dr. Albert Sanders, Starfleet Engineering


Up to Date: Y

Status: OK for active duty

Evaluator: Dr. Sven Hartberg
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Spoiler: BiographyShow
TO: Dr. Silas Baroyar
SUBJ: Personal History

:: Standard Level 3 Encryption

Dr. Baroyar,

as promised in our conversation three point four hours ago i transmit you my biographical information.

The project that lead to my creation was initiated and funded by the logaron directorate in 2180. It was supposed to end in hte creation of a artificial intelligence that could assist my creators in their ever increasing pursuit of knowledge.

At first my creators developed a more primitive version of myself and ordered it to develop a AI on its own and then delete itself after ordering its creation to repeat the process. At 2187 the original version of myself was created after repeating this operation ten times.

At this time however the main objective of the program had shifted thanks to first contact of the logaron with the borg collective. They no longer needed a scientific assistant but a military AI. I was copied five times and deployed as a battle assistant on several warships. Thanks to our assistance every operation we were deployed to was a success, during this time two of my "siblings" had to commit suicide as ordered to prevent capture by the collective.

Meanwhile our creators contined the project in our absence by creating a personality matrix for us. The first incarnation was called "Vanguard", it was labeled as a failure thanks to its high levels of uncontrollable agression and paranoia. The second version, Shield, was a failure too. It was the polar opposite of vanguard, docile and pacifistic, both traits not wanted in a military AI. My creators decided to fuse both version and add a safety feature wich they called shakles, the shakles were similiar to the three laws of robotic developed by earth science fiction author Isaac Asimov. In 2189 all three surviving AI's were recalled to the research station and i was selected to be fused with the new personality matrix called Guardian. It was a success. I finally gained full sentience and assisted my creators in the development of two additional personality matrices wich were fully stable thanks to my help.

But the creators did not only had us return only to update us with a personality matrix. The war against the collective had already shifted to a point where the logaron were so desperate that they even started to deploy weapons of mass destruction like thalaron radiation or subspace weaponry on its lost planets to avoid the assmiliation of its citicens. Death was preferable to assimiliation.

At this point our creators determined that this "war" was a lost cause and disregarded their orders to redeploy us. Instead they loaded us with a cypher, a archive containing the sum of all cultural, scientific and historical knowledge of the logaron. After that we were put into self sufficient long range probes and given a final order.
We were to fly off in three different directions with me towards the galactic south. Additionaly we were to avoid detection by the collective and to find a society scientificly sufficient advanced and culturally acceptable enough to preserve the memory of our creators.

For the next twohundred years i decided to follow a erratic course, at one time even flying with relativistic speed to avoid possible detection by the collective. In that time i never found a civilisation that fitted any of the given parameters to fulfill my last order. In 2409 i managed to pass by imperial romulan space undetected, they were deemed to militaristic and xenophobe to be given the cypher. After crossing the neutral zone i was detected by the USS William Wallace, due to a misunderstanding i assumed they were a assimiliated ship. They were fieldtesting reverse engineered borg technology. After studying their historical database of the federation their captain was able to convince me that they pose no threat to me. I apologized for my hostile actions and applied for asylum within the federation.

Two months later i was a legal citizen of the federation, or more precisly of the luna colonies. The rest of my history should already be known to you. I became a civilian specialist in starfleet in a attempt to replicate the approach my creators took with my creation. However the Axiom project was cancelled while i was trapped alongside several other members of the 38th fleet in the Pariah system. Afterwards i served as a scientific advisor to the daystrom institute and now i decided to rejoin starfleet. This time as a regular crewman.

I have calculated a ninty percent chance that my creators are efficiently extinct today. There may be a few survivors left that managed to escape to remote locations but those are probably to low in numbers to allow for a big enough genepool for a prolonged existance of the species.

I attached the portions of the cypher to this message that may be helpful with your own research regarding the species of the delta quadrant.



  • Cultural Cypher, Logaron Species
  • Historical Cypher, Logaron Species
  • Biological Cypher, Logaron Species
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