Star System: Yuhop

Doza Sector, Alpha Quadrant



AYUHOP A (central star)
G-type main-sequence star

RADIUS 2.616 × 10^5 km (0.38 × sol)
MASS 2.01 × 10^30 kg (0.0088 × sol)
TEMP 5840 K
LUMINOSITY 5.67 × 10^25 W (0.15 × sol)
Class K Adaptable Planet

ORBITAL RADIUS 20.726 × 10^6 km (0.13 AU)
PERIOD 4809 hrs (0.55 earth years)
GRAVITY 2.943 m/s^2 (0.3 × earth)
ROTATION 18.19 hrs
Class B Geomorteus Planet

ORBITAL RADIUS 5.26 × 10^5 km (0.04 AU)
PERIOD 615 hrs (0.07 earth years)
GRAVITY 2.698 m/s^2 (0.275 × earth)
ROTATION 336 hrs
Class D Planetoid

ORBITAL RADIUS 40.839 × 10^6 km (0.27 AU)
PERIOD 13303 hrs (1.51 earth years)
GRAVITY 1.128 m/s^2 (0.115 × earth)
ROTATION 9.67 hrs
Class N Reducing Planet

ORBITAL RADIUS 9.83 × 10^6 km (0.06 AU)
PERIOD 1572 hrs (0.17 earth years)
GRAVITY 16.677 m/s^2 (1.7 × earth)
ROTATION 22.36 hrs

Class J Gas Giant

ORBITAL RADIUS 68.773 × 10^6 km (0.50 AU)
PERIOD 29072 hrs (3.32 earth years)
GRAVITY 7.85 m/s^2 (0.8 × earth)

MISC 5 moons
Class M Terrestrial Planet

ORBITAL RADIUS 13.599 × 10^6 km (0.09 AU)
PERIOD 2556 hrs (0.29 earth years)
GRAVITY 9.81 m/s^2 (1 × earth)
ROTATION 5.99 hrs

MISC Inhabited; Starfleet Outpost; Orbital Wormhole
Class C Geoinactive Planetoid

ORBITAL RADIUS 90.119 × 10^6 km (0.60 AU)
PERIOD 43608 hrs (4.98 earth years)
GRAVITY 1.69 m/s^2 (0.172 × earth)
ROTATION 5.4 hrs

Astronomical Phenomenon

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Yuhop Homeworld


~8.1 billion

Temperate, Regionally varied




  • 2 ground-based space launch complexes
  • 1 orbital space station, ~6 crew
  • 6 interplanetary spaceships, 2-8 crew
  • 10+ orbital spaceships, 1-3 crew


Atenalp is governed by the Yuhop Corporatocracy. The ruling council, known as the Chief Executive Panel, is a body of officials comprised of one representative from each of the five wealthiest corporations on the planet. At the beginning of each Atenalp year, an evaluation of the the net worth of all registered corporations is performed, and the Panel is refreshed with the new 'top 5'.

The Corporatocracy is responsible for all aspects of government, laying out an annual strategy, and creating work contracts for services, tasks, and objectives in virtually every planetary industry. Contracts are assigned based on the suitability and reputation of each corporation. Individual Yuhop are employed by a corporation from birth, but are free to switch corporations or change their field of employment at any time.


Atenalp has a roughly equal distribution of surface liquid water and solid land, with a largely temperate climate, reaching extremes at the polar ice caps and scattered pockets of desert. Most vegetation on the planet has developed to be small and low to the ground; only a very small percentage is covered by tree-like or wooded vegetation. For its size, Atenalp has a wide variation in elevation, with several large mountain ranges, exceeding 6 kilometers in height, contrasted by deep below-sea-level valleys. These extremes were likely caused by one or more violent meteor collisions.

While the Yuhop are the dominant form of life, possessing comparatively advanced technology and inhabiting most of the globe, they remain relatively low on the planet's natural food chain, resulting in their habitation largely in vast underground cities. The surface, on the other hand, is dominated by large winged-reptiles, known as Nogards.


First contact with the Federation came in mid-2409, when the Federation Starship Nautilus accidentally encountered a Yuhop space vessel in the Betazed Sector. Despite being a simple rocket-powered craft, the vessel was inexplicably traveling at just above warp velocity when it very nearly collided with the Nautilus. As a result of the difficulty in translating the Yuhop language, it was not discovered until after the Nautilus returned the wayward vessel to its homeworld of Atenalp, that the Yuhop are not a warp-capable society. The question of how a sub-orbital rocket managed to travel over 30 lightyears would remain unanswered for the better part of the next decade.


2416 saw the accidental discovery of the Yuhop Wormhole in orbit of Atenalp, answering the years-old question of how Yuhop rockets were finding their way lightyears from home. With similarities to the Bajoran and Barzan wormholes, the Yuhop Wormhole is partially stable, with one terminus in apparent permanent high-orbit above Atenalp. The opposite endpoint is in a nearly constant state of flux, jumping from point to point in the nearby sectors. While not as conventionally useful as the long-range reliability provided by the Bajoran wormhole, the Yuhop wormhole is nevertheless an extremely valuable strategic resource.

With the goal of making the best scientific and strategic use of the wormhole, the Federation and Yuhop Corporatocracy signed the Doza-1 Land Lease Agreement. This treaty provided for the establishment of a Federation Outpost to be located on an uninhabited Atenalp island, as well as for exclusive Federation jurisdiction over the wormhole itself. In exchange, the Corporatocracy gained a guarantee of independence and noninterference from the Federation, as well as structured access to a number of scientific Federation scientific forums.

Once established, the outpost was christened Talos Junction, and currently functions as both a listening post, scientific research station, and logistics stop. Full mapping of the Yuhop Wormhole was completed in 2417. In addition to the stable end, six distinct endpoints were identified. Each endpoint opens naturally for only a few moments once every three days, but utilization of a magneton pulse allows access to each endpoint for nearly a full 12 hour period, on a 'counter-clockwise' 72-hour rotation cycle.


The Yuhop (singular and plural) are a bipedal humanoid species, native to the planet Atenalp (Yuhop III).



Standing approximately 0.75 meters tall, on average, the Yuhop exhibit very little variation in body size. In relation to their bodies, Yuhop have extremely large heads, accounting for roughly half of their total body mass. Yuhop eyes are also proportionately larger, allowing a wider field of vision at the expense of increased light sensitivity. They possess no eyelids. Yuhop skin tones range from light green to pale green, and their bodies are mostly hairless, with the exception of the top of the head. With a wide pelvis and short, thin legs, the Yuhop walk with an awkward, sprawling gait. While they primarily sustain themselves with food and water like most humanoids, they are unusual in that their skin contains a thick photosynthetic layer, providing a secondary source of nourishment.

The Yuhop have two known genders: The male, identifiable by a relatively square head; and the female, with a comparatively rounded head. While they remain capable of sexual reproduction, a large portion of the Yuhop population is cloned.

Yuhop reach maturity at 3 (Sol) years, and the average natural lifespan is approximately 30 (Sol) years.


Yuhop culture revolves around the advancement of society through corporate contribution to exploration and science. It is the duty of each individual Yuhop to gather (or help others in the gathering of) as much science as possible. As a Yuhop experiences new things, he or she earns Science Points, which are contributed to his or her corporation towards a research goal. While they seem to recognize that this system is completely arbitrary, the Yuhop nevertheless cling to it, insisting that it is the only way to grow as a people.

The Yuhop are naturally peaceful, dedicating their entire collective effort into as close to pure science as they can manage. They have no weapons to speak of, and their few 'military' technologies consist of relatively harmless methods of scaring away predators on the planet's surface.


The Yuhop are a late pre-warp civilization, with an overall level of technology roughly equivalent to 20th Century Earth. Despite their overall rating, the Yuhop have developed somewhat paradoxically, advancing in some fields while remaining rather primative in others.

Spoiler: MedicalShow
RATING: poor

Atenalp subjects the Yuhop to very little in terms of natural diseases or infections. Living almost exclusively in underground artificial habitats, the Yuhop are rarely exposed to potential contaminates, and as such, the vast majority of Yuhop live their entire lives without contracting an illness. Unfortunately, this has led to the near-total stagnation of Yuhop medical technology. When Yuhop do fall ill, the cultural expectation is for them to travel to the surface to live out the remainder of their lives in a self-imposed exile.

While the Yuhop do possess relatively advanced cloning technology, further development was abandoned after the the accidental creation of the carnivorous Nogard species, which quickly threatened to spell the end of Yuhopkind and necessitated the Yuhop migration underground. The principles behind this technology have since been lost to the ages.

Spoiler: ScienceShow
RATING: below average

Scientific advancement is the primary purpose of life for more than half of the Yuhop population. In lieu of more traditional belief systems, for the Yuhop, the gathering of scientific data is the sole determining factor in an individual's self-worth. As the Yuhop make observations about their environment, either naturally or through the use of scientific equipment, they self-allocate a number of "Science Points" that have been earned by that particular observation. In-depth research leading to real advancement is performed by any one of several large corporations, but new projects are not undertaken until a significant number of Science Points have been collected by the employees of that corporation.

As a result of this seemingly-arbitrary system and the stark separation between observation and research, the scientific process tends to be painfully slow and often entirely halted by the limits of technology in engineering and other fields.

Spoiler: EngineeringShow
RATING: below average

In Yuhop society, engineering is one of the most noble career paths. Several centuries ago, Yuhop engineers constructed a vast network of underground cities, to protect their population from surface-dwelling predators. With no natural threats remaining, engineering as a field soon became a more specialized occupation, concerned not only with the innovation of new technology but far more commonly, the construction of devices and methods of transportation designed to assist the scientists in the gathering of knowledge.

Since the Yuhop refuse to attempt to advance their technology without the arduous process of gathering Science Points, Yuhop engineering projects have been known to stall for decades, waiting for the proper amount of science to be acquired. In modern times, nearly all Yuhop engineering is devoted to the expansion of the space program.