To: RDML Perim | Subj: Full Scans Included: Bepi 113

BH1Pd8X.pngTO:RDML Perim
CC:Agent Lodan
FROM: CDR Thiessen
SUBJECT:Full Scans Included: Bepi 113


As previously discussed, in Baldur's most recent deployment we made a stop by the star system Bepi 113. Using out full suites at maximum resolution we collected the full amount of data possible regarding the system's integrity and marking noted changes since last observation.

Enclosed you'll find the full report as detailed by my team. I would note, Admiral, that everything is within normal parameters the temporal barriers were slighting weaker than previously reported. Per my scientific team this is not out of expected parameters for natural fluctuations within space, which makes it likely of little concern.


Commander Tau Thiessen

>>attached: Beppi_113_Maxres[/i]