(Old) IMPORTANT: Reports (Security Level & AAR Template)


This forum is for After Action Reports (AARs), event summaries, and other in-character reporting. Reports are not messages addressed to a specific person or group, they are standardized forms, submitted to the fleet as a record of events.

All reports fall into one of three categories of classification. If you fail to specify that your report is classified, it will default to Level 1 and be available to all fleet characters.

Level 1: Open - Available/accessible to all, and by search. Shareable, and free to discuss.
Level 2: Confidential - Permission/clearance required. May be shared on a need-to-know basis, and discussed in private.
Level 3: Restricted - Accessible only by Fleet Command and those with a need-to-know. Do not share, do not discuss.

When posting in this forum consider using the Report Template below. The fields have been chosen to give your report an easy to follow outline. Don't forget to include the names of any other characters that were present.

Please also try to give your thread a meaningful title. If you're writing an AAR for a scheduled RP event, you can name your thread "AAR: Name of event here". If you're reporting on something that wasn't scheduled, or doesn't have a name, try to name your thread something descriptive.

Report Template
Spoiler: Report TemplateShow

Stardate 12345.6
CAPT M. Caulfield
Level 1 - Open

LOCATION: New Oregon Colony, Sirius Sector, Beta Quadrant

MISSION: We were sent by command to investigate a weather anomaly at the colony.

OUTCOME: A unique weather pattern was discovered by our science team. The colony is stable, and is updating structures to ensure safety for colonists.

CAPT Caulfield
CMDR Prescott
LCDR Price
LT Marsh

NARRATIVE: We arrived in the system and entered orbit. We immediately detected the anomalous weather pattern and set about scanning the area. An away team beamed down and entered discussions with colony leaders.

There were several unique events including out of season precipitation, oceanic animal beachings, and intense weather activity.

Under Lt Marsh's suggestion, we deployed several reinforced structures to the colony that were capable of withstanding considerable forces. These were capable of housing the colonies entire population and could be used during significant events.

The storm patterns intensified over the course of several days, and at one point we did use the new shelters as cyclonic activity was detected in the vicinity of the colony.

One colonist, Rachel Amber, was lost during the event. We were unable to recover the body, and it is unknown if the storm was directly involved. Cmdr Price also injured during the evacuation, but initial reports that she had been killed were inaccurate. She is currently in the med bay and is expected to make a full recovery.

Cmdr Prescott was able to identify a possible deep ocean thermal event that was previously undetected and may be causing the changes in sea temperatures that caused the weather events. Further study will be necessary.

RECOMMENDATION: I recommend a science vessel be dispatched to study the thermal events and help better predict weather patterns for the colony. I wish to return the USS Arcadia Bay to our regular patrol route, now that reinforced structures are available to the colony.

OOC: I ran this event as a stand-alone event for the fun of everyone during alpha today. I hope everyone had fun, though I know the ending was a little off. I do not plan on continuing the story arc, and anyone is free to take over interactions with the colony and the plot, if they like.

Spoiler: Code for Copy/PasteShow
----- [table][tr][td][/td] [td][font=Ubuntu Mono]SUBMITTED: Stardate 12345.6 [/font][/td][td][/td][td][font=Ubuntu Mono]FILED BY: RANK YourNameGoesHere [/font][/td][td][/td][td][font=Ubuntu Mono]SECURITY: *****Choose one and delete the other two:***** [color=#caf3b1]Level 1 - Open [color=#dd9323]Level 2 - Confidential [color=#dd2423]Level 3 - Restricted [/color][/font][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] ----- ​ [color=#dd9323][font=Ubuntu Mono]LOCATION:[/font][/color] Give the location of the event. Location, planet, system, sector. ​ [color=#dd9323][font=Ubuntu Mono]MISSION:[/font][/color] If this report is tied to a mission, state the mission objective and/or intentions here. One or two lines max. ​ [color=#dd9323][font=Ubuntu Mono]OUTCOME:[/font][/color] A SHORT summary of the mission result. One or two lines max. ​ [color=#dd9323][font=Ubuntu Mono]KEY PERSONNEL:[/font][/color] ​ [indent] List ALL characters who participated in the RP. Notable NPCs can be listed as well. [/indent] ​ [color=#dd9323][font=Ubuntu Mono]NARRATIVE:[/font][/color] This is the main body of your report, where the 'story' gets told. Make this as long or as short as you want. This is the area where you can get really open with your AAR. The rest is to facilitate easy info passing for admins and IC actions. ​ [color=#dd9323][font=Ubuntu Mono]RECOMMENDATION:[/font][/color] What does your character recommend Command do. This can be "no action necessary" but command needs something from the character. Try to keep this to short-ish. ​ ​ -----[color=#239edd][i] OOC: This is the OOC section and this is where the author tells other players or admins anything they think is important that might be missed above. Things like "who they expect to respond or act" or when the next event in this arc is, would go here. If the AAR writer is not the story GM, this may be sparse, or the GM may need to post a response OOC portion for other players to see. [/i][/color]

Updaed 26AUG17 with new AAR format