Liyan Cluster




Donatu Sector, Alpha Quadrant

The Liyan Cluster has been first explored in the 2288 by the U.S.S. Bougainville, which mapped the Cluster, identified the main points of interest, and made first contact with the inhabitants.
The Cluster is made up of approximately 700 stars sparsed in an area of 9.7 cubic lightyears. Among these stars, the most consistent part is made of K and G class types, although it has been detected also the presence of many O and B class types. It is located inside Federation space, but almost at its borders with the Klingon Empire.

Since the first exploration of the Cluster, it was clear the Cluster was inhabited by relatively advanced civilizations. The U.S.S. Bougainville made contact with the Kirrshan Union, the most powerful and large political entity in the Cluster. Since then, contacts with the Federation have been sporadic, substantially limited to traders coming in an out the Cluster. In 2303, following major upheavals on the main planets, the Union collapsed, leaving behind a mosaic of new political entities struggling both for survival and hegemony: among them, the most prominent are the Gad Unified Council and the Kirsshan Confederacy.
Reconnaissance has also revealed the presence of huge unexploited dilithium deposits, but exploration is far from complete, and until now most of our knowledge still depends on the data collected by the Bougainville, and by few probes.
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