To: CMDR Theissen | Zantaari Consoles

Stardate 93102.4

TO CMDR Theissen
CC RDML Perim; CMDR Sivath
SUBJ Zantaari Consoles


Hey, just wanted to let you know we've completed a dozen of the consoles you wanted for the Zantaari refugees in the cargo bays. We can make more, but I figure this was a good start. I went down and saw to their installations myself. They have limited access, basic knowledge and entertainment programs can be accessed, all in a format they'll recognize. Most of the database it works off of was recovered from their own systems, with a bit of Federation goodness to fill in the gaps, and the best part is that the more the use them, the more we can finetune the UI for them, based on their user habits.

I took the liberty of setting up some large viewscreens above the consoles, so that the other refugees can watch the displays as they wait to use them themselves. If they see their questions getting answered while in line, there might not be a huge pile up of people trying to use the things.

I talked to a few of them while we were setting the machines up for them. They're scared, and confused obviously, but also very curious about the station, and frustrated at their limited access to it. I can't say I blame them for that, but I tried to explain to them that it was for their own good. They have a lot of children, I was able to fashion a bit of an educational program for them, mostly to keep them occupied, but I'm not a teacher. You might think of having someone from the school come to help, they're good with kids. And happy kids lead to less stressed out parents. Just my two slips, for what it's worth.

They're brighter than they seem, they seem to get that we're helping them, but I heard talk from a small group who asked if they were prisoners. Not trying to tell you how to do your job, just thought you might like to know.

I'll help any way I can, this is totally a mitzvah.


Doctor Annabelle Foster D.Tech
Lieutenant Commander Starfleet
Computer Services Lead, Deep Space Thirteen
Stardate 93087.9

TO LCDR Foster
CC RDML Perim; CMDR Sivath
FROM CMDR Thiessen
SUBJ Zantaari Consoles

Lieutenant Commander,

Thank you for prioritizing the project for the refugees and working with engineering teams to expedite this process.

I'll keep this short (as I've a lot of correspondence to get to today) but I do plan to take your advice into consideration. We're going to be reaching out shortly to counselling and the educational providers on-station in efforts to make their lives as easy as possible. They're certainly in a frightening place and it's our duty to try and make their transition as painless as possible.

If you or any of your people run into anymore concerns while working in the Zantaari areas, please do let me know without hesitation.

Commander Tau Thiessen
Acting Commanding Officer, DS13 Command.