Nethali Aster's Treatment Report

TO CAPT Freeman
CC 38th\Command
SUBJ Treatment Report - Nethali Aster


At the patient's request, I'm delivering her treatment report to you. I've included the FleetMed Journal abstract as well. Let me know if there's anything else you need.

CMDR M. Pohl

//ATTACHMENT// ASTERNR Treatment - Full Report

Spoiler: Abstract: Nethali AsterShow


Summary of Treatment

Patient: Aster, Nethali R.
Goal: Vestibular System Rehabilitation

Attending Physicians
Pohl, Maximillan A. CMDR - DS13
Lorring, Diana M. LCDR - DS13

Consulting Physicians
Sendet, CMDR - Starfleet Medical (ESD Veterans Affairs)
Himej, Yasmin LCDR - Starfleet Medical (Research Division)
Ochenko, Raul F. CMDR - Starfleet Medical (Trauma Specialist)
Keluan, Den - Caldonian Collective
Sedai, Katriel LCDR - DS13


Patient suffered traumatic injury that compromised the vestibulo-ocular reflex. In consultation with several specialists, this office treated the patient for this condition following a plan devised by Den Keluan of the Caldonian Collective and successfully tested and used on another patient, similarly afflicted, by Drs. Himej and Ochenko of Starfleet Medical.

The treatment involved two separate agents, a catalyst and a regenerator. Over a period of several weeks, the patient received daily injections of these agents to correct the damage and permit the patient's own biological systems to re-establish equilibrium.

Patient experienced nausea, vertigo and coordination problems during and directly following therapy sessions. Patient also experienced an isolated incident of autonomic respiration failure early in the procedure, controlled immediately with the medication Nerevine.


Treatment has successfully restored full vestibular function. See full report for imaging data and VOR performance prior to and following treatment.

M. POHL, Diana Lorring