Zantaari Meeting Regarding Social Situation | TO: CPT Freeman

Stardate 93118.6

TO CPT Freeman
FROM CMDR Thiessen
CC RADM Perim, VADM Ashkeph
SUBJ Zantaari Meeting Regarding Social Situation


As requested, I met this weekend with the Zantaari Council. High Chief Ooog helped me assemble the remaining ruling council members and we spoke regarding the issues of resettlement and more importantly the 'Godmen' issue.

The 'Godmen' myth is one that was set into place by Ooog's father, the former High Chief, as a way to bolster his people's will to survive after the cataclysm mentioned in my submitted AAR. This makes it a story of hope, but the good news is that it's one they believe can be disassembled without much trauma.

Their proposed method of approach is a whisper campaign. Spread from Zantaari to Zantaari, to extend the idea that we are friends that are willing to assist them to live a better life in the future. Given their previously unfortunate living circumstances this isn't - according to the council - be a difficult scenario to broach.

Additionally the High Chief, now that things are set into place, will craft a speech to give his people. The tone will be optimism and planning for the future. This is key, because on their previous home planet this simply was not an option - now that they have a guarantee of a future, they are confident their people will begin to respond favorable.

Assignments will be given to Zantaari (by their council) who are skilled, now that recovery time has been allowed, to help their peers and lead them. I've been assured that the Zantaari process is diplomatic insofar that dissent is allowed but creatively redirected. They appear to be a peaceful people and have a keen interest in getting to know and work with Starfleet officers in their temporary housing.

The council wants me to also extend that they are 100% open to Starfleet input on any way they may be required to make things happen more smoothly.

Please let me know if more information is required at this point in time, but as it stands we're off to a good start. I do believe this Godmen belief can be dispelled without much in the way of drama or dissent.

Commander Tau Thiessen
Executive Officer, DS13 Command.
Stardate 93118.9

TO CMDR Thiessen
CC CMDR Isohlah; CMDR Kozath; RDML Perim; VADM Ashkeph
SUBJ RE: Zantaari Meeting Regarding Social Situation


I'm happy to see there's cooperation on the part of the Zantaari, and some sort of plan to dispel the notion that we're deities of any sort. Thank you for your continued efforts in that regard.

I worry about whether this whisper campaign will have the desired effect, so I want you consult Commander Isohlah, or his people, to see if this method is the best option. As for the High Chief's plan to make a statement to his people, that is an internal Zantaari action, but one that could lead to unrest if not handled properly. We should have a security plan in place to handle any unrest that gets out of hand, but I want no one to question that any response will be measured and as non-hostile as possible.

I am happy to hear that he plans to give his people tasks to build a sense of purpose and optimism for the future. Command will continue to search for the best shape for that future to take, with the Zantaari people and their unique culture being the most important factors, and not our own personal concerns. This isn't going to be an easy process, and likely won't be a quick one either, but rest assured it will be done with the best interests of the Zantaari people in mind.

I know it's hard not being able to tell these people when or where, but we will do right by these people.

Good Work,


Captain Andre Freeman
Station Commander
Deep Space Thirteen
Stardate 93119.1

TO CMDR Thiessen
CC CAPT Freeman, CMDR Kozath, RDML Perim, VADM Ashkeph

SUBJ Re: RE: Zantaari Meeting Regarding Social Situation

I consulted with psychological ops. They do not have much experience in utilizing whisper campaigns to promote a positive impression on a given subject; usually they are used to smear and damage reputations. However, if this is the method proposed by knowledgeable Zantaari officials and believed to be of the most success by them, I would defer to their expertise.

CMDR Isohlah, Ezzem
Department Head
DS13 Counseling
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TO CMDR Isohlah
FROM CMDR Thiessen
CC CPT Freeman,CMDR Kozath, RADM Perim, VADM Ashkeph
SUBJ Re: Zantaari Meeting Regarding Social Situation


Thank you for your feedback. Given your guidance I'll defer to the Zantaari method of handling this. We'll be keeping a close and cooperative eye on their people to try and make sure that we give them no reason to disbelieve what they're hearing.

Commander Tau Thiessen
Executive Officer, DS13 Command
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