AAR - A Visit to Echomet ((18 Feb))

Stardate: 93135.1Echomet Assessment RetrievalReport Submitted: Captain LorianLevel 1: Open

On stardate 93133.7 the Caelian, accompanied by a cadre of officers from Deep Space 13, rendezvoused with Starfleet research teams on the surface of Echomet Prime. These teams had been present on the surface for some time, and were tasked with gathering the information necessary to provide for the species Federation membership claim. Raw reports will be included in this after action report, as well as additional commentary by myself and fellow officers on the mission.

Spoiler: Census ReportShow
Population: 4.56 Billion
Space Assets: Globally, they have six ground-based spaceports and one orbital space station, named the 'Kore'. Among the vessels they've disclosed include 30-40 minor starships with around 20 crew each, 18 major starships with about 50-60 crew each, and 3 flagship vessels with 160 crew each. They also have some undisclosed number of private/commercial spacecraft.
Government Structure: Echomet's government is composed primarily as a cellular democracy. The uppermost echelon of government is referred to as the "World Union" and is responsible for maintaining the body of laws that all citizens are expected to obey. Echomet also maintains a standing military force, the Echomet "World Guard", which has existed and developed in tandem with Echometa society in general and has branches for civilian law enforcement as well as military defense on an interstellar scale. The World Union is also responsible for electing a fixed-term President, whose responsibilities include tie-breaking on global policy-making and acting as a general spokesperson for the planet.

This data falls within averages for candidate member worlds. Global population is within the lower quartile, likely as a result of reproductive methods, further discussed in the physiology medical section. Their space craft lack many safety features common in Federation vessels, more information on this is included in the engineering report.

Spoiler: Engineering ReportShow
The engineering technology report gives a rating of "average" to Echomet society. The Echometa consider engineering achievements to be the primary driver of progress, so the field and its workers are highly respected. Still, in terms of true ingenuity, there is not much remarkable about Echometa engineering designs. The species tends towards models that implement only the most essential modules needed to function, with a secondary concern for safety.

Due to secondary safety concerns the Federation will find much, if not all, Echometa technology to fall below our safety thresholds. A program to improve overall safety will need to be implemented before their technology can be utilized throughout the Federation, should their admission be successful.

Spoiler: Society & Culture ReportShow
Early written histories indicate that the Echometa struggled a great deal with their original territorial instincts, as they evolved to guard their nests. Cooperation eventually began to win out and the Echometa turned their energies towards invention to help them conquer the natural world. Echometa have no records to indicate any form of organized religion or philosophies of spirituality. The species is eminently more driven by a desire to discover how to bend the energies of the universe to their will, rather than out of any particular sense of wonder or discovery.

It is the teams suggestion that further analysis be conducted regarding motives for technological development. While no negative trends have been observed every precaution should be taken when screening for potential membership.

Spoiler: Medical & Physiology ReportShow
Medical: Unavailable
Physiology: The Echometa (plural, Echometan for singular) are a bipedal, humanoid species that, in terms of physiological variety, is not significantly different from the standard Terran human. They are, on average, a bit more dense in terms of muscle mass and raw strength; a callback to their evolutionary roots as a generally highly territorial species. They are visually distinct through their grayish-brown skin tone coloring and sharply ridged features around their eyes and their jaws. In addition to earholes, the Echometa have a pair of antennae that give them moderately enhanced air vibration and hearing sensitivity. Their slit eyes provide them with vision that is crystal clear and with good depth perception, but colors are uniformly less saturated than those perceived by other species. Furthermore, the species is categorized as a monotreme; they are mammalian, but reproduce by laying eggs. Eggs develop in utero for approximately four months and must be incubated for another roughly seventy days, when the young hatch largely on their own, though modern hatching customs now choose to provide assistance instead. The average female Echometan will generally lay typically one egg at a time, though two and three are not unheard of.

While medical technology is by no mean primitive on the planet, our teams are finding the process lengthened by the lack of a centralized medical database on the planet. Such a database is common among species with planetary governments, but the Echometan lack of interest in local exploration would seem to include the medical field. More information in the science report. In addition, the species exhibits several crosses between mammalian and avian/reptilian traits. This is likely another cause of the delayed medical reports.

Spoiler: Science ReportShow
The Echometa approach to science might best be described as 'haphazard'. Though the fields of physics and chemistry are fairly well explored and documented by their scientists, there is a noticeable dearth of information on their own home planet and native species catalogues. In a nutshell, the Echometa at large seem more interested in progression and what's out in the galaxy rather than exploring what they would consider already known.

While not uncommon, the lack of motivation in local exploration is worth noting. Our teams were tasked with recovering samples of local minerals, water samples, and plant life due to lack of any published research. In addition to motives of exploration it is this teams recommendation that further research be done into the causes of these attitudes.

In conclusion, more research in several fields need to be conducted before membership discussions can progress. There are still several unanswered questions that must be looked into.

Officers Involved:
Captain Lorian
Captain A. Timoreev
Captain S. Bishop
Lieutenant Commander M. Zaldo
Ensign H. Brecken

Captain Lorian
CO U.S.S. Caelian