AAR: Colony Patrol

BH1Pd8X.pngStardate: 93178.8AAR:
Colony Patrol
Report Submitted:
LTCD Leveson-Scott, M.
Level 2: ConfidentialnD58acb.png

On stardate 93178.8 The U.S.S. Gainsborough dispatched an away team via shuttle for a unscheduled review of the development progress of a recently establishing trading colony. In light of recent reports pertaining to increased pirate activity in the region, it was deemed necessary to check on the stability of the colony.

Initial attempts to establish contact with the colony fell proved fruitless during our approach and after landing, we discovered that the outpost had been destroyed. With initial investigations yielding no discernible results we returned to our shuttle with the intention of relocating to the central command structure in an effort to ascertain the situation.

In doing so we became aware of an evacuation signal which had been sounded during out time away from the shuttle and found the last few trade freighters leaving orbit with no further knowledge of events than we possessed. We proceeded with our investigation but were intercepted by ships presumed to be said pirates and our shuttle was shot down (Note of commendation for Lt. Eunbi after an exceptional display of piloting skills saw her safely land the severely damaged shuttle with no serious injury to it's occupants).

Our crash site was still a lot closer to the central command structure than our initial landing site and so - after making the crashed shuttle secure - we continued with our investigation; having little choice as our distress call was not verified as being received by the Gainsborough and we lacked supplies both for extended survival and attempted repairs, both of which were anticipated as being present at central command.

Cmdr. Zh'Kerro scouted a secure route for us to proceed along which led us to a secluded approach to the rear of structure. Along this approach however we encountered hostile beings and a firefight ensued which saw some of the away team taking moderate injuries - this officer included.

Doctor Bida performed an admirable job in tending our wounds after we barely survived the firefight; and went on to work with Lt. Keliaya to retrieve what appeared to be some form of a control implant from one of the creatures. We proceeded towards the structure and witnessed more unusual behaviour from these seemingly hive-minded creatures before arriving at central command.

As we gained entry to the building; we were confronted by a large number of the beings who all immediately registered our presence, though did not react. Finding ourselves in a chamber which was a far cry from the anticipated control room, we were surrounded by ad-hoc technology that appeared to have been strung together from the remnants of an array of crashed ships - presumably the work of the supposed pirates in the region.

More troubling however, was what we found to be the remnants of the ship occupants and the colonists; disembodied brains either networked together in sat in storage awaiting allocation to one of the creatures we had earlier encountered. Our approach was met with a disembodied voice which appeared to represent the central column of technology which - at it's broadest - was most akin to a vast server network.

Communication ensued and it became apparent that this was indeed an artificial intelligence that seemed to have evolved beyond it's original design as a working platform to aid in the colony's development. Whilst found to be crude and lacking any degree of morality as we would view it, the AI displayed clear signs of sentience and a 'will to survive'.

I Spoke personally at length with the AI in an effort to establish a sense of 'right and wrong' since for all it's horrific actions, it's perspective was somewhat juvenile and lacking guidance; and there was no indication of malevolence in it's conduct.

Whilst it still holds the potential to become a significant threat if left unchecked, it is this officers belief that the AI qualifies as a new lifeform and as deserves to be treated as such. Negotiations closed with the AI consenting to allow the away team to depart - against it's earlier instinct - and for our part; we would submit a recommendation for further negotiations to be conducted by a dedicated diplomatic team. This officer observed that the AI harbors a desire to avoid solitude - as the potential quarantine of the region was not a welcome compromise - and seemed amenable to forming something of a symbiotic relationship with the planets future populous.

It should be noted that the system has been quarantined pending further action; and should a team return to further study this sentient AI and seek a level of co-existence, it is a personal recommendation that a strong hand is used with this AI. As previously noted; for all it's vast perceptions it is a young lifeform and seemed to respond most amenably to a firm hand. To this end; officers with experience of raising children may be best suited to any such assignment.


LtCdr. Mischa Leveson-Scott .II