Zantaari Survey Results and Potential Future Actions | To: Starbase Department Leads


TO CMDR Sivath, CMDR Caspius, CMDR Pohl, CMDR T'Press, CMDR Everhart, CMDR Isohlah
CC CAPT Freeman
FROM CMDR Thiessen
SUBJ Zantaari Survey Results and Potential Future Actions


It's the intent of this communication to bring you all up to current status regarding our Zantaari guest population. Their presence has taken its toll on the efficacy on each of your departments. We do understand that, and I'm glad to announce that if all pending surveys go as well as expected, this station may be returning to normal operation within the month.

We've discovered a system as of yet unnamed, K-1454, which is our leading candidate for what would be considered a new Federation protectorate colony for the Zantaari people. The Starfleet Diplomatic Corps has handed out several considerations which your department will be receiving separately Commander Isohlah, but our projections indicate this will most likely be a peaceful transfer.

While some of you will undoubtedly have concerns about their protectorate status, any of you having had the chance to work with our Zantaari friends know that they are extremely trusting people to the point of their own detriment. This has, as the Diplomatic Corps' survey had concluded and counseling has probably noticed, been brought about by the state of trauma their civilization has been under.

As they haven't shown any degree of societal violence or interest in weapons development, there is little concern that this arrangement will impact the Zantaari or the Federation in any overall negative way.

I hope this might allay any immediate concerns you would have as we move forward. In the coming weeks I may reach out to you individually to work in coordinating the necessary arrangements for transfers, and then repairs and maintenance to their living spaces. We'll be looking at a potentially higher workload in a very short period of time, but I think we can all agree it will be worth it.

Looks like we might be getting our cargo bays back!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Have a wonderful day.


Commander Tau Thiessen
Executive Officer, Deep Space Thirteen