WAYDIS II Terraformation Project Outline

Stardate: 93105.2WAYDIS II PROJECT OUTLINEReport Submitted: LCDR Sedai, B.Level 1: Open

I. Liquify core and jumpstart planetary dynamo
February through March
Install particle generator network in orbit. When activated, the generators will feed a subatomic 'particle soup' to penetrate the planet's crust and travel to the core. At the center, the various particles will meet and collide, heating the planet's core. Minor adjustments will be periodically required through phases II and III.

Network will be uninstalled at project conclusion.

II. Import and synthesize greenhouse gases to build planetary atmosphere
Mid-March through April
Install weather regulator network in lower planetary orbit. When activated, the regulators will begin synthesizing heavier greenhouse gases (CF4, C2F6, C3F8, N2O and SF6) to layer and heat the planet's surface. After sufficient atmospheric thickness has been achieved, regulator network will shift to producing chemicals to break down the poisonous gases and start generating exclusively nitrogen and oxygen.

Network will remain intact beyond project conclusion.

III. Induce aquifers and volcanic activity
Seed dozens of surface sites with ground charges that will embed terraforming systems below the surface. Some sites will be used to generate volcanic activity, while others will be used to melt aquifers.

IV. Hydraulic landscaping
Major surface shaping to create space for water basins. Utilize weather regulator network to stimulate heavy rain, storms, flooding.

V. Microorganism seeding
June through July
Introduce simple floras (lichen, algae) and other microscopic life to continue adding to oxygen concentration. Introduction of approved genetically-engineered floras to ecosystem to improve and stabilize hypothetical settlement environments.

VI. Monitor
July through project conclusion
Monitor progression of planetary metrics and make minor adjustments as necessary.
(( Draz still can't quite decide if step 1 is insane, brilliant, or both. ))