Visit | To: MNST Zinea Toldai

TO MNST Zinea Toldai
CC Office of the Offworlder Affairs
SUBJ Visit


I'm contacting both yourself and the Office of Offworlder Affairs because I've seen some reports in the news that your government has been canceling some high-level visits from outside governments.

My intention was to embark on a visit to Eledri Prime within the next two weeks to check in on our research and meet with you and some of yours; is this an unwelcome intrusion? If there is some sort of internal unrest I would hate to be an inconvenience.

Commander Thue e-Iuruth t'Xereth
Commander, R.R.W. Aensai
Stardate 93543.1


SUBJ RE: Visit


Thank you for your message, first of all. I want to assure you that the media reports on the Deltan visit have been blown far out of proportion, and that your concern, while well-meaning, is unnecessary. We believe it may be a blind item placed by a disgruntled government employee to a friendly reporter to stir up controversy, nothing more.

As for your request, we can receive you towards the latter end of your timetable. I've included Minister Zoss in this message, in the hopes that she can prepare your visit properly. Our recent tour of the joint facility with the High Minister went well, and while I can't speak for her, I believe that she is prepared to devote further resources to the venture. As you know, preliminary results or the last two studies back up your initial findings, and we're excited to press ahead with the work. I look forward to seeing you towards the latter part of next week.

Be well,


Minister Zinea Toldai
Eledri Unity Ministry of Science
TO MNST Zinea Toldai
CC Office of the Offworlder Affairs
SUBJ Re: Visit


Please accept my condolences for the tragic loss of High Minister Zulana Laozai. As the High Minister, Laozai was a dear ally and a friendly face to my partner and I in our continued pursuits of Eledri friendship and scientific study.

My ship was scheduled to leave relatively soon for Eledri space as per our previous communication. If this is now ill-timed I will reschedule, but I must extend that I would like very dearly to attend any ceremony in honor of her that might occur if at all possible. It would be myself and whatever security your government would deem appropriate for such a somber occasion - I am afraid my partner is away still on his archaeological expedition.

Whatever your offices determine to be most appropriate is what I and my people will do. With Minister Zoss now being sworn in I am afraid I am uncertain on who to contact in her department. Please pardon m bother in this time of grief, but I'm uncertain of who may best direct me.

Know that this daughter of Romulus mourns with you.

Commander Thue e-Iuruth t'Xereth
Commander, R.R.W. Aensai
Stardate 93561.4

CC Ministry of Offworlder Affairs; Ministry of Internal Security

SUBJ RE: Visit


Zinea Toldai has been detained by internal security officers in the ongoing investigation into the death of High Minister Laozai. She has been removed from all duties pending the findings of that investigation. You should be made aware that your correspondence with her, and the work of the New Origin study is all evidence in that investigation. We ask that you do not make attempts to come to Eledri Prime for the time being, and that you preserve all data and materials related to your work on Eledri Prime to maintain the evidence chain. Any alterations, deletions or obfuscation of your New Origin work may be considered a criminal act.

Your labs here have been closed down so that our security personnel can conduct a full investigation into any connection between your work and the death of Zulana Laozai.

We will contact you, should the need arise. Your staff here will be given fair consideration, and will be treated well, but for the time being we are going to insist they remain on Eledri Prime to assist our investigation, we ask that you help facilitate that.


Subminister Xal Lavoz
Eledri Unity Ministry of Science
CC Ministry of Offworlder Affairs; Ministry of Internal Security
SUBJ Re: Visit


While I will comply and cooperate with your investigation as it stands currently, it is vital that you and yours remember that Romulan sovereignty is vital to our arrangements and the alliance between the Federation and the Romulan Republic. If you detain or arrest any Republic officers officially please provide notice.

As my people and I are innocent of anything in relation to whatever may of happened, we will cooperate. I will continue to retain all of my data regarding our studies and move it to secure private datarods for your retrieval should you need it physically, or secure console uplinks if you should need so virtually. However the systems that are housed on aboard my ship - being Republic Fleet property and therefore private military hardware - will not be immediately accessible until we have transferred said data to these private uplinks.

I write you this in the interest of full disclosure. I am certain my people will be swiftly cleared and returned to me.

Commander Thue e-Iuruth t'Xereth
Commander, R.R.W. Aensai
Stardate 93563.2

CC Ministry of Security

SUBJ RE: Visit


Your staff are safe, and will continue to assist us with our investigation until such time as arrangements can be made for a transfer of custody. We have discovered the culprit of this horrible tragedy, and he has confessed. What is left is to understand how he managed it, and I'm sure you would like those answers to be revealed as well. A lot has happened in the past day, and to an offworlder observer it may seem chaotic, but rest assured that order and good judgement have finally been restored.

I've been granted the authority to inform you personally that this joint project has now ended.

We will be in touch.

al'Zedai, al'Eledri!


Acting Minister Xal Lavoz
Eledri Legacy Ministry of Information
CC Ministry of Security
SUBJ Re: Visit


As you've now a suspect arrested for the crime, and our joint venture is now at a close - as you stated - then I will shortly be dispatching Aensai to Eledri Prime to coordinate the retrieval the Romulan Republic officers you are holding aboard your facilities, as you stated.

None of my staff have access to facilities aboard your laboratory that would allow them to do what has been said was done to the poor High Minister. Therefore, with this and the confession in your hands, you no longer will require my officers to 'assist' your investigation.

Additionally, any detention of Republic officers - now that you are no longer a member of the Federation - now falls into a far more grey area. If I find out that my people have been mistreated or denied their rights in any way there may be repercussions, and this is a scenario we would all like to avoid. As a gesture that this is not what is happening to my officers, I would like an open communication with my people within the next day. It's not much to ask, I'm certain.

My concern remains for the Eledri People and I mourn your former High Minister as much as any Eledri.


Commander Thue e-Iuruth t'Xereth
Commander, R.R.W. Aensai
Stardate 93563.2

CC Office of the High Minister; Ministry of Information; CDRGEN Rellir

SUBJ RE: Visit


It has been a while since we've last had a chance to correspond, and so unfortunate that it is under these tragic circumstances. I'm sure you grieve as you say, but it seems odd that you are so hurried in your attempts to remove your staff from a place they've been welcomed for months. A place where the have been given almost unfettered access, where we have shown complete hospitality, and afforded resources and staffing to your fool's errand. They are helping us as we conclude a very complicated investigation into a crime of supreme importance to our people, the death of a leader you claim to mourn as deeply as any Eledri would. Your numerous claims of innocence in this crime have been noted, you are not on trial, nor expected to be. Your people are not suspects, or considered accomplices, despite their clear negligence.

We will be coordinating with your superiors on a method of transfer that ensures the rights of your personnel, and the sovereignty of our system. Those detail may be relayed to you, should your superiors deem you qualified.

Any attempts to breach our territory without explicit permission, either by Republic forces our your Starfleet allies will be considered a most provocative act. We ask that you seriously consider the language you use in any further communiques exchanged between yourself and the Legacy Government, as such language may be considered the official Republic stance in the absence of any public policy from your government.

As the Legacy government wishes nothing but positive relations with all powers in the quadrant, we are amenable to your request to speak with your people. Of course those communications will be monitored, both for content and any data exchanged, as it may be useful in our on-going investigations.

If you are concerned about the Eledri people, I hope you will show it now by keeping your head and allowing us to conduct our investigation. If the circumstances were reversed, there would nothing we wouldn't do to assist your kind.

al'Zedai, al'Eledri!


Minister Katali Zebol
Eledri Legacy Ministry of Security