Commanding Admiral Command Guidance Memo: Stardate 93636.3

Stardate 93636.3

TO <DS13/38th Fleet Personnel>
CC <Starfleet Command>
FROM VADM Iryj Krvhn
SUBJ Commanding Admiral Guidance

38th Fleet,

As the new commander of fleet, I will take this opportunity to issue my command guidance. My purpose for the fleet is in service to the Federation of Planets, their species and cultures, and its allies. The external projection of the Federation, within the galaxy, is Starfleet. As leaders and members of this Starfleet, or its supporting allies, our actions are in their name, and support their interests first and foremost.

My guidance here is for all elements within the 38th Fleet, to include partner units from our allies. 38th Fleet's mission is to provide the platform for Starfleet in the Aldebaran and surrounding sectors, for four critical Starfleet objectives.

1 - Diplomatic engagement of known species and cultures, and initial contact with new species and cultures.

2 - Scientific and technological discovery and exploration

3 - Engineering and logistical support to regional Starfleet operations

4 - Security for Federation and ally interests within the greater beta quadrant and nearby sectors of the alpha quadrant

Leaders within the fleet will support these objectives in their interactions both externally, with non-Starfleet and ally cultural entities and organizations, as well as internal between Squadrons, divisions, support staffs, down to the individual officer on shift at any posting or assignment.

Individuals are encouraged to use their chain of command first. Do not bring me issues if you have not already brought them to your immediate leadership, unless you suspect dereliction of their duties. Be prepared to support such claims in those cases.

As a leader, I can work with a lack of experience or talent, as long as an individual has a willingness to learn and grow. I expect my subordinate leaders to do the same with their subordinates. I cannot tolerate deception or gross negligence of leadership, and will hold accountable those that fail in these areas. If you compromise Starfleet for your personal gain or desires, you will fail within this command.

Personnel are encouraged to seek out their chain of command, should they have further questions.

VADM Iryj Krvhn

Vice Admiral
38th Fleet 'Argo'