TO: U.S.S. Valley Forge | SUBJ: I've got information for you (CAUTION)

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TO U.S.S. Valley Forge
STARDATE 93994.6
SUBJ I've got information for you


We met during your search for your lost crew when we both stumbled onto the same shuttlecraft. Despite the initial disagreement we managed to part on friendly terms. When we left we promised to let you know if we found more Starfleet tech in the region during our salvage operations. I think I have something now that might be of interest.

If you are indeed interested then come to the coordinates provided. I like to do my business with privacy and without risk of being blown into salvage myself so I will not come out if you bring more than one ship. My deal is with that Vulcan lady and I expect her to be there. We'll give you the coordinates to the actual thing once you arrive under these conditions and pay up.

We take payment in latinum, darseks, dilithium crystals, Kilur Source and Cardassian leks, but lesser used forms of currency are also accepted if we can verify their authenticity, which may make the transaction longer. Federation credits are not accepted. Alternatively, goods of equal value can be bartered directly.

A Friend

//ATTACHMENT// Meeting Coordinates