Jan 20: Friends in high places

Tabadi Mysti and some task force officers meet with the Klingon Councillor Lagos during the Winter Solstice Bath'leth Tournament on Forcas.


When: Saturday, Jan 20, Beta +2

Where: Foundry mission or fleet starbase (depending on number of participants).

What: Diplomatic RP.

OOC point of contact: @gulremal
Spoiler: Meeting transcriptShow
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> As you entered the Forcas, system, you were greeted by standard 3-BoP patrol. After Mysti provided her invitation codes, you were let through.

[Team] Mysti@crystyll: mysti is just out to make a good impression xD

[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: If you need to brawl with anyone to leave an impression, let B'Atar know!

[Team] Mysti@crystyll: hehe

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Orbit of the planet was full of all kind of klingon ships, from BoPs to Negh'var battlecruisers belonging to many klingon Houses.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> You also detected other vessels belonging to different species falling under klingon sphere of influence. You were given transporter coordinates and when you beam down, you are greeted by a -

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - imposing klingon officer.

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler usual confidence is gone briefly.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *looks at the padd and then at the party that just beamed down, pockets his padd and moves forward*

Mysti@crystyll takes a deep breath and steps forward to greet the officer

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Tabadi Mysti and her entourage?

[Emotes] Mysti@crystyll: Qapla'!

Mysti@crystyll salutes K'tang with respect.

Mysti@crystyll nods, "I am Tabadi Mysti"

Egzo@HF_Mudd squints at the word, idly scratching himself.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *nods* I'm K'tang, gin'tak of the House of Woldan. I am here to escort you to the Councillor Lagos.

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler recalibrates communicator idly

B'Atar@anncarise doesn't look intimidated, but impressed at all the fancy ships on her way in.

[Team] Mysti@crystyll: yeah, you heard the man; y'all my bitc-... *cough* escorts now xD

[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: But I fly a raider not an escort!

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler confidence returns to glare daggers at the back of Mysti's head, but this passes.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Follow me.

Mysti@crystyll nods and follows, keeping a wary eye on those around them

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: The tournament is nearing its end. Not that many visitors left.

B'Atar@anncarise is also dressed in rarely seen formal garb.

Egzo@HF_Mudd moves easily through the mostly empty corridors, glancing at those who yet remain.

Mysti@crystyll fidgets awkwardly with her lesser worn shoulder pads

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler is not fancy. Wears his usual garb. Functional. Sleek. Sex appeal.

B'Atar@anncarise 's formal garb is more rustic looking, nowhere near as shiny as Mysti's OSN look!

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Main bloodwine hall area is half-deserted, you notice mostly some guests enjoying various drinks. Loud chanting is heard across the hall.

Egzo@HF_Mudd is dressed as he always is, as a Nausicaan of some rank and ill repute.

B'Atar@anncarise is disappointed they don't get to stop for drinks.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> As you approach the end of the hallway, chanting gets louder, seems there's a duel going on.

[Team] Mysti@crystyll: did we lose egzo, or did he just say 'entourage? screw this!' and stay at the bar?

[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (one sec)

[Team] Mysti@crystyll: hehe

[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Haha

[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: just stays for drinks

Egzo@HF_Mudd catches up with the group, complimentary drinks in both hands.

[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: I picture egzo catching up with a bowl with a bunch of snacks

[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Or that!

[Team] Mysti@crystyll: hehe

Egzo@HF_Mudd offers one to Xers'Kahz?

Mysti@crystyll chuckles as she Egzo made himself at home

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler passes on the offer.

Egzo@HF_Mudd shrugs and tosses it back himself.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Two contestants are locked in a pugilist match, slugging each other without care for defense.

B'Atar@anncarise smirks at Egzo, "I should've thought of that."

B'Atar@anncarise looks back to the brutal fight.

B'Atar@anncarise casts lingering glances at the fighting as they walk off

Egzo@HF_Mudd grins. "That's why I'm the captain."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *K'tang keeps going, obviously not interested in the fight.*

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> You soon enter the private quarters reserved for the fighters and House lodgings.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> K'tang leads you past many doors, most of them closed off...

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler has made mental notes of every guard they have seen thusfar

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> You are brought in front of big table, at which klingon in regal uniform is sitting, going through a pile of PADDs, concentrated look on his face.

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler nudges Egzo, making some joke under his breath about klingons needing to focus on reading

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *salutes the klingon* I've brought the next guests as you requested.

Egzo@HF_Mudd snorts, nods, and looks at the Councilor.

Mysti@crystyll stands back respectfully, casting a brief glance to B'Atar. She totally isn't nervous

Plott DeVice@gulremal sits in a bridge officer chair.

B'Atar@anncarise whispers to Mysti, "It'll be fine. This guy's friendly to us. Gave Sadia the big ship she got now. Just...don't be his brother."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *nods to K'tang* Good. Leave us be. *as K'tang turns and marches past the group...* Come in, get seated.

Egzo@HF_Mudd walks up and goes to the rightmost chair, waiting for Mysti to sit before he does.

B'Atar@anncarise lets Mysti introduce herself first.

Mysti@crystyll approaches the table, "It is an honour to meet you at long last. Tabadi Mysti; Orion Space Navy"

Mysti@crystyll offers her usual respectful bow with arms out to the sides before sitting and allow the others to intro themselves

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> As you get seated under watchful gaze of at least couple of guards, a servant comes from the side doors and brings in refreshments - small rokeg pies, mugs of bloodwine and couple of bottles of other assorted drinks.

Mysti@crystyll sits in the captain's chair.

[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: Qapla'!

B'Atar@anncarise salutes Lagos with respect.

Mysti@crystyll takes a mug and pie, offering a grateful nod of her head to the servant

[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: "Sogh B'Atar, Daughter of K'Leth, of the House of Kator."

Egzo@HF_Mudd sits in a chair.

[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: "We met before."

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler takes none of the refreshments, types something into a PADD and stowes it.

B'Atar@anncarise takes a seat as well after introductions.

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler sits in a chair.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *Lagos doesn't introduce himself, obviously feeling he doesn't need to* Captain Cynis spoke about you highly. Said you had something important to discuss.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *to B'atar* Indeed we did *nods to Egzo* I know him too, hard to forget.

Egzo@HF_Mudd grins, having collected a few more refreshment from the server.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "I like t' make a lastin' impression."

B'Atar@anncarise smirks, "Oh that you do."

B'Atar@anncarise collects a drink as well.

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler eyes the host silently

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *to Egzo* On someone's face, with a fist I reckon.

Mysti@crystyll smirks at the banter, seemingly eased a little by the familiarity

B'Atar@anncarise smirks wider, "And in other ways."

Egzo@HF_Mudd shrugs amiably, not contesting what the others say of him.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *to Xers* I don't know this one, and Intelligence says I probably shouldn't. So I won't.

[Local] Xers'Kahz@williamchandler: Oh, that is boring. But accurate. Pretend i am not here.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *thumbsigns one of the padd and hands it to another servant, who carries it away*

Mysti@crystyll smiles to her left and back to Largos, "You are quite correct Councillor, of course. Our business is of the upmost importance to the future of my people"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *he sets the padds aside and fully focuses on the talk ahead*

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "I will assume that you are perfectly aware of our present rate of growth, and our current standing; given that we are here at your behest"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: I've been keeping tabs on the events both in the Expanse and in orion colonies. Lots of struggle after your homeworld "crashed".

Egzo@HF_Mudd quietly, almost respectfully(!) enjoys the refreshments and lets the talky people talk.

Mysti@crystyll nods solemnly, "It has been a trying time, but a newer - and stronger - Orion people have begun to rise from those ashes"

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler seems slightly more relaxed, but is eying the various PADDs.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> It's hard to spot anything at this angle, but screens do show a lod of text - looks like some kind of legalese.

B'Atar@anncarise sips her drink as well while Mysti works her diplomacy magic. She listens closely, ready to interject with her knowledge of Klingon politics but preferring to stay out of such things if possible.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: But you are not the only faction claiming this, no?

Mysti@crystyll shakes her head, "The OSN stands shoulder to shoulder with the Free Orion State"

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler scowls and ceases his peeking. Perhaps having an education at Law would have been helpful.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Free Orion State is half a quadrant away from old orion territories. How can they be of any help?

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "It is less how they can help, but more what they represent; which is a new beginning for the Orion people"

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "For that alone; they are our brothers and sisters in kind"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Emerald empress claims the same. And she has more ships, contacts and half of the Syndicate network at her fingertips. What can you offer to the Empire?

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "The Emerald Empress lays in bed with the remnants of the Syndicate. Anyone with an objective view can see that their days are numbered"

Egzo@HF_Mudd sits just slightly straighter, recognizing that this is it, the moment when niceties and flattery are done.

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "While they presently offer greater numbers; they are in rapid decline and promise to become a greater burden to the Empire of time"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: That's quite optimistic view. One it will be hard to sell to the Council.

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "The OSN already represents a significant bolster to the KDF fleet, and continues only to grow in strength and numbers"

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "Now if you believe the High Council will respond more to a hard line..."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: I'm no friend of the Syndicate, but I must keep in mind realities of the politics. At this point, D'ian positions in the Council is firm, despite ongoing objections from some of the Councilors.

Mysti@crystyll pauses for further thought before playing that card

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "the OSN does not expect the Empire to... 'chose sides', Councillor"

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "We are aware that the Empire allies with both the Romulan Republic and Tal Shair remnants. We see no reason that we can't jointly ally while you continue to make the most of what the Syndicate can +

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: offer while it is around as well"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: I've been playing this game for a while. If you do become real threat to D'ian, she'll make a move. Council will be put into position that it has to choose.

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler stifles a yawn.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Tal Shiar? House of Torg has paid for this.

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "Should D'ian eventually chose not to see reason, the only position the council is left in; is one of sitting back knowing that whoever triumphs will emerge a powerful existing ally"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Don't underestimate that serpent. She has been building alliances within the Council. She's playing at being a very useful "pawn", and many might see you as an outsider. Even if she's not trusted, -

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - she's a known quality.

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "Which is why we understand that the council should not - and will not - be put in a position to chose sides"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: However, I'd like to hear what your companions think on this matter. I doubt you brought them just for the show.

Mysti@crystyll nods, looking left and right

Egzo@HF_Mudd speaks plainly, eyes locked on their host, all traces of amiability and simplicity discarded for the moment: "It's true what ya've said, every word."

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "The Council doesn't want to have to choose sides in any civil wars. They want their allies to all be on the same screen."

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks to Mysti now, stating just as flatly, "And while what you and yers've built is impressive, the Syndicate offers a lot more t' the Empire right now."

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "If it comes to a question, they WILL pick D'ian over you."

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks back to their host, wrapping up.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "You either gotta lay low, or offer 'em somethin' she can't."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: That is the current state of things, indeed. *turns to Xers* Man with no name, what do you think?

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler thinks for a brief moment.

[Local] Xers'Kahz@williamchandler: "I confess, I do not know much of these affairs. However:

[Local] Xers'Kahz@williamchandler: The Marauder is correct. Nothing was given. At a completely unbiased position, I claim that the Empire should choose the group with an actual offer behind it.

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler a scowl was formed at the mention of the "Empire".

[Local] Xers'Kahz@williamchandler: "But that is but my lowly, uneducated opinion."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *nods and turns to B'atar* Lieutenant, what is your opinion?

[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: "Well it's true that the Syndicate has more resources, and they're not half bad at fighting. A particular Syndicate commander working with Sadia's certainly earned my respect. But one warrior -

[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: - can't speak for an entire empire. The Syndicate are opportunists. When things weren't going in our favour during the Dominion War, they immediately got in bed with the shapeshifters and their -

[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: - lab-grown soldiers. They're nice to the Empire now, but if they get strong enough to break away, they will and they won't think again about stabbing us in the back if it helps them."

Mysti@crystyll nods in agreement

[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: "They've got good people, but their leadership are cutthroats. It gives us a bad name and it means we'll have to watch our back."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: That's also a good point, but keep in mind D'ian will play the card is that the human-run Syndicate of old is not the same Syndicate she's running now.

Mysti@crystyll scoffs, "The same Syndicate that is eating itself alive with in-fighting?"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: However, you did highlight only thing OSN can offer now - and that is that they ain't the Syndicate.

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "Frankly, the only really question is who will crush them first; us or the Branded Lady"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: This is how the Council will see it - small pond, too many sharks.

B'Atar@anncarise nods, "Most people still think it's the same Syndicate, and they've got a bad reputation to them."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Ahhh, and now we come to the punchline.

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods, dark eyes glitteringly alert.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Do not expect the Empire will stand aside as you, the Syndicate and the Branded Lady "duke it out".

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "She is a threat to all Orions, personally I hope that this threat will unite the OSN with the modern Syndicate in the formation of a true Orion Nation"

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "But if it does not..." she shrugs, "...we will not be there to aid them"

[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: "It's too good of a fight to miss, aye. Question is who do we fight for?"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: OSN does look like a proper military outfit in forming, but if D'ian decides to mobilize against you at this moment, pulling the favors from the Houses, what are your chances?

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "Honestly; Depends how many Houses..."

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "And how much our favour is carried with Starfleet, the Republic and the Free State"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Keep in mind that House fleets do not answer to the KDF. We've seen this before many times, just like how J'mpok went against Martok's wishes and attacked romulans in force.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: He failed, but he made his statement. So you too have to make your own statement.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *he leans in* Destroy this Branded Lady.

Mysti@crystyll leans forward, "You see Councillor; /this/ is what sets us apart..."

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "The Syndicate only make enemies even to this day"

Mysti@crystyll grins, "Whereas the OSN is building alliances as rapidly as it's own fleet"

Mysti@crystyll leans back, "The Emerald Empress may get lucky enough to bloody the Branded Lady's nose..."

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "But we have shared enemies against the Lady and stand in a position to completely crush her!"

[Local] Xers'Kahz@williamchandler: I zoned out a bit... Are we going too assassinate someone now?

Mysti@crystyll nods, "It is a matter of when. Not if"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: This enemy will not give you time to call for help. If you want to make impact within the Council, you must show you have the capacity to deal with your opposition. I know that Branded Lady destroyed

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - your main shipyards in Narris system. She has bloodied you, and if you don't crush her quickly and decisively, you will be seen as weak - as J'mpok made Martok look weak.

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods again.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Do this, and you will have my support.

[Local] Xers'Kahz@williamchandler: "And here i was, bored. This is intriguing."

Mysti@crystyll nods, "Then I consider your support a welcome bonus to my existing primary mission"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Of course, it does not mean we cannot open trade negotiations at an earlier date.

Mysti@crystyll dips her head respectfully, "That would be most amenable"

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler begins sending orders to Skaal on board the Subjugator via his gauntlet, to prepare.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: My father and brother would most likely scoff at this being mentioned, but they caused our House too much financial ruin to have any right to object. Besides, they are properly dead.

[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: "Aye, that they are..."

Egzo@HF_Mudd doesn't laugh, or even crack a smile.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Your trade masters can contact my gin'tak for the details.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Is this all, or you have other things to bring to my attention?

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "I will inform the Circle of the trade contact, and ensure that our fleet remains in diligent support of your own forces while we shut down the Branded Lady"

[Local] Mysti@crystyll: "I believe our business is concluded for now" she confirms

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *slams the table* Good! You can enjoy the hospitality of this place until you leave, on my tab.

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods. "'Preciate it."

[Emotes] Mysti@crystyll: Qapla'!

Mysti@crystyll performs a traditional Klingon salute.

B'Atar@anncarise grins at free drinks.

Egzo@HF_Mudd rises, and actually does salute.

Xers'Kahz@williamchandler nods

Mysti@crystyll stands and pounds a fist on her chest, "Until next time, Councillor"

B'Atar@anncarise rises and salutes as well.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: I'd go with you, but I have more meetings on my plate. Qapla'!

[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: Qapla'!

B'Atar@anncarise salutes with respect.

Mysti@crystyll suddenly realises that really hurts and figures thats the real reason they wear chest armour

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> As you leave, you pass by the gin'tak who is escorting a group of gorn wearing symbols of the royal house...

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - SCENE END -