Research & Development: Neural Metaphasic Melorazine Deployment System (NMMD)


Research & Development


Neural Metaphasic Melorazine
Deployment system

INITIAL REPORT: Not completed


Deployment: Inhalation Sedation

Severity levels:
  • Depress the central nervous system (CNS) to an extent that allows operative treatment to be carried out with minimal physiological and psychological stress
  • Modify the patient's state of mind such that communication is maintained and the patient can respond to verbal command
  • Carry a margin of safety wide enough to render the unintended loss of consciousness and loss of protective reflexes unlikely.

Airway obstruction, apnea and hypotension are not uncommon during sedation and require the presence of health professionals who are suitably trained to detect and manage these problems. The deployment of the NMMD can only be authorised by the command codes of 2 SEPERATE officers:
  1. A Captain ranked officer
  2. A person holding the authority of Chief Medical Officer.

Levels of Sedation:
Sedation scales are used in medical situations in conjunction with a medical history in assessing the applicable degree of sedation in patients in order to avoid under-sedation (the patient risks experiencing pain or distress) and over-sedation (the patient risks side effects such as suppression of breathing, which might lead to death).

Typically levels would include
  • (i) agitation,
  • (ii) calm,
  • (iii) responsive to voice alone,
  • (iv) responsive to tactile stimulation,
  • (v) responsive to painful stimulation only, and
  • (vi) unresponsive to painful stimulation.

The Federation Society of Anesthesiologists defines the continuum of sedation as follows with deep sedation is considered to be a part of the spectrum of general anesthesia, as opposed to conscious sedation.

  • Minimal Sedation – Normal response to verbal stimuli.
  • Moderate Sedation – Purposeful response to verbal/tactile stimulation. (This is usually referred to as "conscious sedation")
  • Deep Sedation – Purposeful response to repeated or painful stimulation.
  • General Anesthesia – Unarousable even with painful stimulus.

Side effects and probabilities :

Deployment Canister