Star System: Itrin

Alpha-7192 Sector, Alpha Quadrant

Spoiler: System IndexShow
M-type Red Dwarf

RADIUS 2.84 x 10^5 km (0.41 x sol)
MASS 6.33 x 10^29 kg (0.32 x sol)
TEMP 3300 K
LUMINOSITY 1.55 x 10^25 W (0.04 x sol)
M-type Red Dwarf

DISTANCE 1.06 x 10^7 km (0.07 AU)
RADIUS 2.38 x 10^5 km (0.34 x sol)
MASS 3.71 x 10^29 kg (0.19 x sol)
TEMP 2200 K
LUMINOSITY 1.55 x 10^25 W (0.04 x sol)
Class M Terrestrial Planet

ORBITAL RADIUS 5.21 x 10^7 km (0.35 AU)
PERIOD 2.53 x 10^3 hrs (0.29 earth years)
GRAVITY 6.11 m/s^2 (0.62 x earth)

MISC Orbital trade station
Class K Adaptable Planet

ORBITAL RADIUS 7.90 x 10^7 km (0.53 AU)
PERIOD 4.72 x 10^3 hrs (0.54 earth years)
GRAVITY 9.23 m/s^2 (0.94 x earth)

MISC Electromagnetic storms, trace atmosphere

ORBITAL RADIUS 1.25 x 10^8 km (0.84 AU)
PERIOD 9.41 x 10^3 hrs (1.08 earth years)
Class P Glaciated Planet

ORBITAL RADIUS 2.24 x 10^8 km (1.49 AU)
PERIOD 2.25 x 10^4 hrs (2.57 earth years)
GRAVITY 7.13 m/s^2 (0.73 x earth)
Class P Glaciated Planet

ORBITAL RADIUS 4.27 x 10^8 km (2.85 AU)
PERIOD 5.92 x 10^4 hrs (6.78 earth years)
GRAVITY 8.26 m/s^2 (0.84 x earth)

MISC Dead civilization


A search for Itrin brings up the following results/reports:

  • Message from the Korlackress Empire: Itrin was mentioned by the Korlackress as having controlled a significant portion of the Alpha-7192 Sector in the distant past. They also noted a similarity between Itrin-designed starships and those of 'Species 2492'.
  • Kilur Database Research: The Itrin Hierarchy was mentioned in a Kilur Database as having been active roughly 150 years ago.
  • AAR: Talking Points 2492: Itrin Station was mentioned as a place where more information about 'Species 2492' might be discovered.
  • Second Exploration of the Kilur System: Itrin Station was mentioned as the headquarters of the Kilur Salvage Exchange.
  • Itrin Station Recon: A Starfleet away team visits Itrin Station.

Itrin Homeworld


~12.81 billion

Temperate, Tundra, Polar



The first mentions of Itrin Station to the Federation came from the mouths of the Doza Scavengers, cited as the headquarters of the "Kilur Salvage Exchange", later determined to be a sort of marketplace, aboard a busy commercial station operated by a reclusive people. Over the course of Starfleet's investigation into 'Species 2492', later the Confederacy of Azed, Itrin became noted as an important player. The Itrin have been major players in the region of space for centuries, mentioned by name in the historical texts of various local species. Itrin technology was noted as being extraordinarily similar to that of the hostile Azedi, but the explanation for this was not immediately apparent.

The Itrin themselves were largely unresponsive to Starfleet's inquiries, steadfastly refusing to involve themselves in affairs outside their home system. They insist that their station is open to any and all commerce and, while it appears to be well-traveled among local traders and businesses, its remote location and relatively hostile surroundings have kept it from becoming more than a regional locale.


While the Itrin themselves have been unwilling to share their own history with the galaxy at large, a significant amount of information about them has been collated from other sources. In particular, the Itrin are featured prominently in regional literature, including the religious texts of Azed. By far the oldest of the races encountered in the region, Itrin civilization is estimated to date back approximately sixty thousand years. Their development and expansion into space was slower than most, owing to their failure to develop faster-than-light travel.

Over the course of centuries, using only conventional propulsion, the Itrin created a network of semi-independent colonies in nearby systems. As a consequence of their speed, Itrin ships were built to carry vast amounts of cargo and to survive voyages lasting centuries. Travel between the colonies quite literally took a lifetime. Those Itrin who dedicated themselves to interstellar shipping voyages were revered as the society's most noble individuals. While the actual 'traders' were unlikely to see any gains during their lifetime, their work singlehandedly sustained the isolated colonies, and for their trouble, their families and descendants became exuberantly wealthy. Itrin culture developed around the mythos of the selfless traders.

Sometime around eight thousand years ago an Itrin transport ship encountered an anomaly that carried them, in a matter of moments, a distance believed impossible to traverse in hundreds of thousands of years. Stranded, the crew elected to remain in that location until they could formulate some plan for survival. As luck would have it, this decision proved vital. Three days later, they found themselves transported back to almost the exact same point that they'd left.

When the crew's descendants arrived at their destination, they retold the story of their vessel's encounter with what they called "The Brink", and it quickly spread, captivating the minds of Itrin everywhere. Within a decade, a grand expedition was mounted to study the anomaly. Three transport ships were repurposed for the task. Including travel time, the mission was expected to return in around seven hundred years, give or take the length of their studies. Only a single century passed before their return upon the first vessel powered by wormhole travel.

This was the turning point for Itrin society. Before long, the prototype wormhole reactor was reproduced, paving the way for near-instantaneous space travel. Gone were the days of generational supply ships, replaced by an era of rapid expansion. The Itrin Hierarchy was established as a centralized organization to supersede the previous regional governments.

Over the next several thousand years, the Itrin laid claim to a vast region of space. The relative ease of transit and comparatively slow population growth led to an almost rural culture, with predominately small colonies, relying almost entirely on trade and commerce for survival. There were very few genuine threats to the Itrin, locally, and those that did exist were seldom able to withstand wormhole-based weaponry. The result was an extremely laissez faire stewardship of Itrin territory. At the height of Itrin's expansion, the Hierarchy was mostly concerned with regulating trade and settlement authorizations. Without any sort of centralized military to speak of, in the rare event of a crisis or conflict the Hierarchy would simply contract the nearest trade vessels to handle the issue.

With such a large area claimed, inevitably the Itrin eventually encountered other sentient beings. These initial interactions were generally benevolent and peaceful, and the Itrin saw only the potential for new trading partners. These 'younger' species were leapfrogged from varying points of development directly into the world of interstellar commerce, by virtue of their locations, becoming implicit protectorates of the Itrin. This status afforded them peace and protection and prosperity, in exchange for virtually nothing save an expected willingness to sell or trade what resources they possessed in abundance, to help supply Itrin's eternal expansion.

Sometime around four centuries ago, the Itrin Hierarchy collapsed. All indications point to some kind of revolution led by their protectorate worlds. An overwhelming majority of Itrin commerce ships were ambushed and destroyed. The success of Itrin's expansion was based entirely on their ability to traverse vast distances in virtually no time, so the sudden and severe shortage of ships available to deliver vital supplies left countless colonies entirely cut off. Only the Itrin home system proved self-sufficient enough to survive. After consolidating their remaining vessels, the Itrin were able to handily fend off any further attacks on the homeworld and larger colonies, but the betrayal left them defeated and demoralized.

Itrin civilization never truly recovered and in the present day their population is estimated to be only approximately 1.5 billion, concentrated entirely within their home system. The Hierarchy now manages a only handful of system defense vessels and a single trading station.


The Itrin (singular and plural) are a bipedal humanoid species. They have anecdotally long lifespans and reportedly extremely low rates of population growth.


They tend to be on the larger end of the spectrum, standing at an average of two meters tall, with a body composition proportionally high in muscle. Itrin are characterized by slit-eyes, elongated cranial structures, and facial tendrils. They possess both lungs and gills and are broadly categorized as amphibians.


Modern Itrin society is a strange hybrid of insularity and openness. The surface of Itrin is strictly closed to visitors, a policy enforced ruthlessly and without exception. Meanwhile, they maintain an orbital trading hub and actively invite commerce from all as far as sectors away. The Itrin, and particularly their government, tend to be generally hands-off in most affairs, preferring to let events take a 'natural' course.


Spoiler: MedicalShow

Insufficient data for grade assessment.

Spoiler: ScienceShow
RATING: above average

The Itrin appear to possess a scientific understanding of the universe that rivals or matches the Federation's own. At a minimum, they are the first known modern civilization to effectively master the creation and manipulation of artificial wormholes for both transportation and weaponry.

Spoiler: EngineeringShow
RATING: average

Though the Itrin have a clear advantage in conceptual understanding, their practical engineering efforts have been observed to be less sophisticated. Perhaps due to their tendency to let nature take its course, much of their technology is in varying states of upkeep. Old components are kept for as long as they are physically able to function, forcing newer designs to maintain a level of backwards-compatibility that almost certainly hampers advancement. All observed Itrin technology, from their ships to their station and its components, appear to be hybridized partial renovations of constructions that are thousands of years old. While the longevity of their creations is no doubt impressive, this also suggests an unprecedented level of technological stagnation.