AAR: Branded Lady Outpost Investigation

CMDR M Leveson-Scott
Level 2 - Confidential

LOCATION: Branded Lady Outpost, Minos Korva Sector

MISSION: Followup on tracked cargo deployed during Operation: Pandora's Box.

OUTCOME: Successful capture of outpost associated with Branded Lady organization as well as two starships.


CAPT Cynis [iks daramar]
CAPT Skye [uss macalpine]
CMDR Zh'Zhavis [uss valley forge]
CMDR Leveson-Scott
LCDR al Firawn
LCDR Eunbi
LCDR Keliaya
LCDR Verlin

NARRATIVE: Following the success of Operation: Pandora's Box, starships Valley Forge and MacAlpine were deployed alongside our KDF allies on the IKS Daramar to investigate the location the cargo was brought to. Our reconnaissance revealed the site as a station using long-range sensors, but more detailed information was unable to be obtained, necessitating the task force’s venture.

Upon my debriefing of the situation, Captain Sadia of the Daramar, who commanded the only vessel equipped with a cloaking device, volunteered to scout out the site. Scans revealed the station to be of typical Syndicate architecture and it orbited a Y-class world with sufficient resources to supply a refueling post. Two ships, one freighter and one vessel of Gorn design identified as GHS Claw of Talok, were docked with the station. Two groups patrolled the nearby area, each consisting of a frigate-sized vessel and a squadron of interceptor fighter craft. In preparation for further action, the Daramar crew also dropped jamming probes disguised as space junk in the vicinity of the planet.

The senior officers present then began to debate on a course of action. It was unanimously agreed that capture of assets and prisoners were the most desirable outcome, but the method of achieving them was unclear given the Branded Lady’s penchant for self-destruction. Commanders al Firawn and Verlin managed to configure the Valley Forge’s deflector to emit a beam that would scramble enemy electronics and prevent self-destruct while the ship captains decided that boarding the station was the best way to ensure the safety of the potential intelligence stored on it.

Due to the enormous power drain of the beam, it could only be used on one target, and the most intuitive target was the station. At the onset of the engagement, the Valley Forge immediately disabled the station, allowing myself, MacAlpine’s MACO Team 48 and IKS Daramar’s forces to transport over and secure the outpost. In the meantime, Valley Forge took on the two patrols while MacAlpine moved to intercept the two docked ships and the Daramar remained cloaked as backup.

The MacAlpine was exchanging fire with the Gorn ship when the freighter began initiating its self-destruct while still docked with the station. This forced the MacAlpine to divert, and it managed to transport the warp core out and tow it to a safe distance from the outpost before it detonated. This bought the Gorn enough time to break free of the station and the MacAlpine gave chase.

By then, the infiltration team on the station - led by Captain Cynis -had successfully disengaged the station shield systems before power could be restored; enabling the Daramar to beam over troops en masse and storm the command centre; taking control of the station weaponry in the process. Combined fire from the station and MacAlpine disabled the Gorn vessel while the Valley Forge and her small crafts dealt with the fighters and one frigate while suffering some minor damage. The last remaining patrol ship attempted to ram the Valley Forge but was quickly destroyed before serious harm could be done.

The battle in space and on station was not without casualties for our side, but the efficiency of our plan kept our losses at a minimal while the enemy forces suffered a complete defeat. Not only were the Branded Lady’s ships routed, but we managed to capture an entire outpost and two ships. After the station was secured, we discovered that at its centre was a facility where they appeared to be producing the clones in their army. This station may possess intelligence that will prove to be invaluable in the continuing fight against the Branded Lady.

RECOMMENDATION: The facility needs a complete sweep for intelligence before the Branded Lady can mount a counter offensive. IKS Daramar will hold the system - with Valley Forge in support - until a dedicated team can be on station to complete the sweep and - further recommendation - that the facility be scuttled upon completion of this, so that it can not be re-purposed by the Branded Lady forces or allies.

OOC: This is from the Valley Forge episode: Reeling In. If I've unintentionally misrepresented your character's actions, misspelled their names, got their rank incorrect, et cetera, please send me a PM over enjin and I'll make the necessary edits. For those so interested, the full capture of this story including chat logs is available at the ST:TTV season 2 episodic here - episode 5.

Stardate 94139.9
LCDR Keliaya
Level 2 - Confidential

LOCATION: Branded Lady Outpost, Minos Korva Sector

MISSION: Closer examination of captured outpost.

OUTCOME: Successful recovery of data from both computer cores on the outpost and two cloning pods, one with adult specimen removed and the other with juvenile specimen contained within. Discovery of secondary computer core utilizing complex biotechnology.


CAPT Levesley [USS Camelot]
CAPT Nimitz [USS Akagi]
CMDR Zh'Zhavis
LCDR al Firawn
LCDR Keliaya
LCDR Galanodel
LT Lendaria
LT Wilson

NARRATIVE: On stardate 94137, the USS Akagi ferried officers from Deep Space 13 to the captured pirate outpost in the Minos Korva Sector in order to examine the facility for further insights into the Branded Lady's organization. The USS Camelot was already on scene upon our arrival, and we met with Captain Levesley on board the station.

The science personnel proceeded down to the cloning lab found on the outpost, the first of such belonging to the Branded Lady that Starfleet has seen. Meanwhile Captains Levesley and Nimitz proceeded to download the contents of the computer core, and Commander T'Rara and I investigated a terminal in the command deck.

I was soon called down to the cloning facility, where Lieutenant Lendaria sought the help of myself and Lieutenant Wilson in removing one of the cloning pods for transport back to DS13. While this was being done, Commander T'Rara managed to unlock the tactical terminal which confirmed that the station was secure and allowed her to lower its alert status to ease our access. The captains also managed to secure the computer core data, but Captain Levesley was unable to access the lab systems and concluded that a different computer core must be utilized for the cloning facility.

As Captain Levesley searched for the second core, Lieutenant Wilson and I were removing a pod when its inhabitant was released. Though every precaution was taken and there was no indication of error, I theorized that the pod opened because its inhabitant was matured but not fully educated yet, so when the power was cut the system decided to release the clone instead of risking loss. This theory was later confirmed by my work on a juvenile's pod, where I followed the exact procedure and the immature clone was not released.

The clone communicated with Captain Nimitz and Lieutenant Lendaria, and when it was told that the outpost has been taken over by Starfleet, he lashed out at the Lieutenant. The combined efforts of Captain Nimitz and Lieutenants Lendaria and Wilson kept him stunned and he was transported to the Akagi's brig with heavy security measures while Lieutenant Lendaria was taken aboard the Akagi for medical examination.

In this time, Captain Levesley, with the help of Commanders al Firawn and Galanodel, managed to circumvent the computer core security using the data they found on the clone models to synthesize the biosignature of a high-level clone, which provided them with access. Commander Zh'Zhavis also entered the lab and sensed some telepathy in the clones as well as a powerful telepathic presence beneath the room.

When the secondary computer core was revealed, Commander Zh'Zhavis pinpointed it as the source of the telepathy and claimed it to be a lifeform. It was determined that this lifeform, a massive neural network inside a gel tank, was actually the biological computer core of the lab, the work of heavy genetic engineering. Captain Levesley made an excellent analogy comparing it to Federation bio-neural gel technology, but on a greater scale. Commander Zh'Zhavis attempted to communicate telepathically with this bio-computer but was treated as a incursion, and while Commander Galanodel's actions in overburdening the computer managed to sever the computer's connection to Zh'Zhavis, she was still incapitated from the exhaustion of the mental struggle.

Following Commander Zh'Zhavis's extraction, Lieutenant Lendaria returned to the outpost, having been cleared by Akagi's medical personnel. She studied the bio-computer further, determining that the telepathy sensed earlier was a connection between the computer and the cloning pods which appeared to be the way that clones were being instructed. This explains how the recently awakened clone demonstrated an accurate knowledge of both Starfleet and the Klingon Empire. Commander Galanodel managed to extract the data in the secondary (biological) core via the access terminals as further telepathic attempts were deemed too dangerous.

After the rest of the team returned to the Akagi, which was heading back to DS13, I remained with Commander T'Rara and Lieutenant Wilson while I removed the aforementioned pod containing a juvenile clone. After that was transported to the Camelot, the three of us boarded as well.

RECOMMENDATION: The bio-computer in the cloning facility warrants further study, though I highly advise against any kind of telepathic contact with it as even Commander Zh'Zhavis, an Aenar, was unable to withstand such contact. It is also recommended that we remove all the cloning pods, both for study and preservation of the clones within. While they are genetically designed as soldiers, they are still lifeforms and do not deserve death just because they were made by our enemies.

Other than this, I suggest following Commander Leveson-Scott's recommendations on what to do with the station itself.

//ATTACHMENT// Scans of Bio-Computer
//ATTACHMENT// Cloning Pod Removal Procedure
//ATTACHMENT// Recovered Information on Clones
//ATTACHMENT// Recovered Troop Data
//ATTACHMENT// Secondary Core Data Collection
//ATTACHMENT// Outpost Schematics and Engineering Data

Note: The USS Camelot currently holds the data from the outpost's primary computer core.

OOC: This is from the assignment: Close Examination of Captured Branded Lady Outpost, conducted as a followup to the event described in the AAR above. If I've unintentionally misrepresented your character's actions, misspelled their names, got their rank incorrect, et cetera, please send me a PM over enjin and I'll make the necessary edits.