Henry's Letters and Logs

TO J'Kehli H'Atiq
FROM Henry Hawkins
SUBJ I'm fine


Miss me?

I'm fine! You've probably heard rumours so let's just get them out of the way. Yes, it was Borg; yes, I killed the crew; no, I'm not dead; no, I'm not Borg; yes, I was rescued by the Feds; no, I wasn't tortured; no, I'm not working for them; yes, we lost the shipment.

Oh, ship's gone too. We don't have enough in the reserves to buy a new one so I'll have to scrape together what I can to make it myself. Do me a favour? Pull some strings? I'll need materials and a crew.

How is Nudac's company doing? I didn't want to search about it on a Fed ship since they track these things. Any word from the Big Bosses?

All my love,

Captain Henry Hawkins
-The Hawkins Emporium
TO J'Kehli H'Atiq
FROM Henry Hawkins
SUBJ Present


Hey gorgeous,

Got you a present. Those Starfleet sods captured Henareya, and so that's another domino down. Victory is oh so sweet.

All my love,

Captain Henry Hawkins
- The Hawkins Emporium

PS: Oh, I also got you a new ship. The Bortas the TSTT had. It's renamed something sappy, Flair's Momento or something like that, but, whatever. Gives us another asset we can use. THE is going mobile baby!
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