AAR: Relay Replacement

Stardate 94686.9
Cpt. Isadora Lyn
Level 1 - Open

LOCATION: Tekros Expanse
MISSION: Repair or replace malfunctioning subspace amplifier relay.
OUTCOME: Replacement relay deployed.
Cpt. Isadora Lyn
LtC. Lendaria
Lt. Seral Val S’Nat
LtJG. Oshiro Asuna
Cdt. Rumiho Mitsuki
NARRATIVE: The USS Eminence was assigned to repair or replace the subspace amplifier deployed by the USS Beowulf in the Tekros Expanse, which had gone silent several days after activation. During approach, long-range sensors failed to detect the presence of the relay. Subspace anomalies also necessitated a reduction in speed.

Upon arriving at the relay coordinates, it was discovered that the relay had indeed vanished without a trace. An analysis of the surrounding nebulae by LtC. Lendaria and Lt. Seral revealed that they contained a high concentration of sensor scattering dilithium compounds, which explained the reduced efficiency of both our short and long-range sensors. Lt. Seral also examined the subspace anomalies which we encountered previously and discovered that they were present throughout the area. Several theories were put forward and considered, but no clear cause for the disappearance of the relay could be determined.

Because no definite cause could be determined and no clear threat could be identified in the area, construction was started on a replacement relay. During construction, it was noted by LtJG. Asuna and LtC. Lendaria that our activities were drawing microorganisms to the area. The organisms appeared attracted to our work crews and shuttlecraft, and soon reached a high enough density that they became noticeable to all personnel on site. Although they did not appear to be causing any harm to personnel or structures, it was decided on the recommendation of both Lt. Seral and LtC. Lendaria to suspend construction until a more detailed analysis could be made.

A lab analysis of the organisms headed by LtC. Lendaria, Lt. Seral, and LtJG. Asuna revealed a great deal of information. It was discovered that the microbes feed on EM radiation and are capable of absorbing a wide range of the spectrum. The range of absorption included the frequencies used by our communications relays and starship comm arrays, although a narrow band of frequencies was discovered that seemed to repel the microbes. The creatures were also found to be unable to survive in normal gravity or in the presence of an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere. Lt. Seral and LtJG. Asuna elucidated the creature’s reproductive cycle and discovered that they require a combination of nebular gases and energy derived from EM radiation to reproduce.

During their investigations into the feeding and reproductive behavior of these lifeforms, the science team inadvertently triggered a rapid reproductive cycle and the microbes breached containment by shorting out the forcefield emitters in the containment lab. LtC. Lendaria was trapped inside the lab and exposed to the microorganisms when the lockdown procedure was initiated. Initial attempts to transport her out of the lab were blocked by the absorptive properties of the microbes until the transporter officers were able to compensate. The lab was then decontaminated by a combination of high gravity and phaser sweeps.

During the contamination, it was observed by the science team that the microbes were incapable of breaking down the lab walls and structures. It was concluded that the microorganisms were unlikely to be the direct cause of the first relay’s disappearance. Both Lt. Seral and LtJG. Asuna speculated that a larger predator may be drawn to a high concentration of the microfauna.

An examination of LtC. Lendaria in sickbay found her to be in good health and none the worse for her exposure. The sickbay staff and LtJG. Asuna concluded that the microbes were not infectious or toxic. However, it was decided to keep LtC. Lendaria in sickbay quarantine for observation in case any harmful effects manifested themselves.

Construction on the relay was resumed and completed without incident. After activation, the Eminence remained on station to test the relay and observe the situation. As expected, the activated relay drew a large amount of the microorganisms from the surrounding space. The microbes proceeded to multiply rapidly using the abundant energy. After several hours of observation, Lt. Seral detected a large contact approaching the ship. The intruder failed to respond to hails, and a scan by LtJG Asuna revealed that the contact was organic in nature.

Lt. Seral and LtJG Asuna’s hypothesis was proven correct as a large cosmozoan emerged to take advantage of the ample feeding opportunity that we had created. The relay was shut down and Lt. Seral attempted to draw the microbes away from the area using a probe. However, the probe was unable to draw the microorganisms away quickly enough and the Eminence was forced to take the relay in tow and attempt to escape at impulse. Warp drive was rendered nonfunctional by a subspace field that the cosmozoan was projecting. After consuming the microbes, the cosmozoan turned its attention to the Eminence as potential prey. Evasive maneuvers by Cdt. Mitsuki and ECM by Lt. Seral and LtJG. Asuna were effective in dissuading the creature and it departed the area.

The relay was redeployed with modifications intended to repel the microbes. After confirming that the modifications were fulfilling their intended purpose, the USS Eminence departed.

The ship continued to receive the all clear signal from the relay as it proceeded back towards Federation space. However, Lt. Seral discovered that the relay had also picked up and amplified another signal. It was badly degraded, but after reconstruction efforts Lt. Seral identified the message as a Starfleet distress call.

It was decided not to immediately respond due to several irregularities in the signal. The first was that the signal frequency did not match any known Federation comm channels or any comm channels used by other known powers. The second was that except for the USS Eminence, no Starfleet vessels were known to be operating in the Tekros Expanse. In fact, only three Starfleet vessels had ever been deployed to the Expanse: USS Eminence, USS Beowulf, and the USS Celestial which had performed the initial survey in 2256. The third was that Lt. Seral identified the transponder code as belonging to the USS Lyric, a Daedalus-class vessel which was declared missing in 2165.

After deliberation, it was decided that the USS Eminence would respond to the distress call after some supply and personnel transfers.

The spaceborne microbial species has been designated Species 2562. The large cosmozoan lifeform has been designated Species 2563.

RECOMMENDATION: Subspace relay is operational and exploratory efforts of the area can commence. Recommend that any stations or structures being deployed in the area be modified to emit regular pulses of Species 2562 repelling EM frequencies. USS Eminence will rendezvous with resupply craft and then proceed to answer the USS Lyric’s distress call.

OOC: This is the AAR for the Eminence RP episode Symbiosis Pt. 1. Please notify me if there are details I am missing for your character.