AAR: Diplomatic Contact

Stardate 94783.7
Level 2 - Confidential


MISSION: Engage diplomatic relations with representatives of the Arshai New World & Colonial Fleet

OUTCOME: A tentative but optimistic status quo has been achieved


CMDR Meel [npc]
LCDR Eunbi
LCDR Keliaya
LCDR Vrolmacht [npc]
LT Silvestrie [npc]
CDT MacLaing
Miyata LaRouche

Vora (The Branded Lady)

NARRATIVE: Following our attendance of the memorial service held by the OSN for the late Tabadi Mysti, I proceeded first to bolster relations there and am now able to report that the remainder of the OSN leadership maintain their resolve with regards to continued relations with the Federation. Of particular note were Tabadi's Delandria and Lorri; whilst the latter is little known to us thus far she is a likely candidate to assume Mysti's diplomatic role for the organization. The former is one of the more senior members of the leadership and we observed that her opinion carries significant weight within their ranks.

Moving beyond the OSN, I sought an audience with the Branded Lady - Vora - where I was able to relay the Admiral's stipulations regarding the current armistice. The terms were met with surprising willingness, and this continued with the subject of bringing representatives together from the Federation, OSN and Colonial Fleet to formalize the position.

Though Vora speaks for her people in dealings with the OSN, these are largely fleet coordination activities and I learned that the colony itself it led by a full Arshai Council. Vora has agreed to make the case to this Council that they too are represented at said union; lest they be letting Vora speak as their sole representative. That said however, she did not sound confident of their willingness to trust and reveal themselves to outsiders regardless of circumstance so for now we can only wait for news from them.

In keeping with tradition, our first diplomatic engagement with Vora - as her peoples representative - was celebrated with a reception held on board the Valley Forge which saw us hosting Vora and a selection of her trusted advisors. The evening passed amicably and undoubtedly served to nurture the perceptive shift from adversary to ally for both parties.

RECOMMENDATION: There is little more to be actively done at this time regarding the matters herein. Once we receive word from the New World we will be able to progress plans, however until such time all we can do is continue to nurture the growing bonds with both fledgling organizations and seek opportunities to bolster them.

OOC: This is from the Valley Forge episode: "A Cordial Affair". If I've unintentionally misrepresented your character's actions, misspelled their names, got their rank incorrect, et cetera, please send me a PM over enjin and I'll make the necessary edits. For those so interested, the full capture of this story including chat logs is available at the ST:TTV season 3 episodic here - episode 302.