TO: VADM Perim | SUBJ: SAR Mission

Stardate 94860.4
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO VADM Perim, 38th Fleet
FROM CAPT A. A. Timoreev, U.S.S. Attar
CC RADM Konieczko
SUBJ SAR Mission


I don't want to bother you during these troubled times, however, there is an urgent matter I need to discuss with you.
I have just been informed that one of the vessels belonging to my squadron, the U.S.S. Camelot, has been listed as MIA while patrolling the Federation-Azedi border. Capt. Levesley is an expert commander, with a long experience on the field: if he is not reporting in, than something serious must have happened. Moreover, the Camelot is no small ship, and is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and weaponry. For this reason, it is my firm opinion that the Camelot must have been attacked or otherwise rendered unable to communicate with us her actual status. I wish to ask for your authorization to carry out a Search & Rescue mission on the last known location of the Camelot, in order to assess her status and that of her crew as soon as possible.
Due to their small size, I believe that the Attar, the Al-Haytham, and the Republic could be easily despatched from Gemini for such an assignment: these three ships cannot contribute much to hosting the evacuees from Deep Space 13, so the new assignment would not deprive the fleet of much-needed assets. If there is only a slight hope of recovering the Camelot and her crew, I believe this should be pursued without hesitation. We have already lost too much during these days.
Of course, I am ready to answer to any inquiry you may have, and to fully accept your judgement on this matter.

P.S.: also, sir, I'm preparing a small memorandum for you about the best ways I have envisaged to employ Gemini assets during this emergency period. I hope this could serve to Command should a re-deployment of our forces be needed.


Captain Andrej A. Timoreev,
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Attar
Commanding Officer, Gemini Squadron, 38th Fleet