To: //|Error// | Subj: Observer 93108 Emergency Contact Channel

Stardate 95038.4

TO <//Error// Cm+sDO4j //Unable to verify recipient//>
CC <RADM Konieczko>
FROM CAPT Emery Quint
SUBJ Observer 93108 Emergency Contact Channel

Creators; I speak to you for and on behalf of Starfleet's Captain Quint. While we still do not fully understand how things went wrong when you intercepted the Azedi at starbase designation DS13, we want to. More importantly we want to find a way to peacefully coexist - the first step towards this being proper contact.

Starfleet is fully aware of my purpose here and I have given them full disclosure about the pre-contact observation protocol. Though this did not transpire as calculated, I stand by my assessment; they are ready.

In order to progress peaceful coexistence and strive for the contact first considered here, please respond directly to either Captain Quint or Admiral Konieczko via the K7 relay, to open talks. (comms frequencies attached).

Emery Quint
USS Victory, Captain
38'th Fleet, Taurus Squadron

Observer 93108 Tierno