Transfer Orders: U.S.S. Valley Forge

Security Level 1 - Open

CC ADM Torin, RDML Konieczko
SUBJ Transfer Orders

Captain Se'Lai,

This message serves as official notice of the impending transfer of the U.S.S. Valley Forge to the Deep Space Exploratory Corps under Admiral Enelya Torin. This transfer will take effect on Stardate 95356.2, one week from the date of this message. During the following week the Valley Forge will not be subject to normal operational requirements so that you may prepare your command for the impending deep space mission.

Deep Space 13's personnel department has been notified and will work on processing any crew that will be transferring off of or onto the vessel with priority. Additionally, preparations are underway to ensure that civilians, including any dependents remaining behind, are relocated to their final ports of call. They'll make sure transfers are carried out efficiently and without any hold-ups.

I hate to lose any ship, Captain, and especially ones with a fine pulse on local events. That said, Admiral Torin's mission is also important, and you and your crew are well suited to the task. I wish to reiterate what I spoke to you about in our meeting prior to making this official. A deep space mission is a fine embodiment of Starfleet and what we stand for. I'm envious of what you'll discover and the experiences that await you out there. Hold onto the past, but strive to meet every new encounter with wonder. As always, don't hesitate to get in touch if anything comes up.

Vice Admiral Enzian Amiri
Commanding Officer, 38th Fleet

//ATTACHMENT// Transfer Orders