SUBJ: TSTT Activities | TO: CAPTs Nimitz, Quint

Security Level 1 - Open
Stardate 95470.8

TO CAPT A. Nimitz; CAPT E. Quint
CC RDML D. Konieczko
FROM CMDR R. E. Phoenix, U.S.S. Zulu
SUBJ TSTT Activities


Please find attached my report about TSTT activities in the past few months. In short, I have not observed anything suspicious or illegal during this time. Investigation of the planet they sent us a free ticket to revealed that it was most certainly not a trap (and a waste of a holiday - the planet is ghastly). It would seem that the organisation has been laying low due to Starfleet attention.

Furthermore, an investigation into all previous leads has led to a dead end. It is likely that they are covering their tracks as best as they can. I would like to organise a meeting to go over what we know and to ascertain the next course of action. Already I fear that we may have to suspend this investigation as continued investigation without evidence would likely cause the company to form a complaint.


Commander Rayna Emma Phoenix
Commanding Officer - USS Zulu
38th Fleet "Argo"

//ATTACHMENT// TSTT_Investigations.AAR
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