SUBJ: Science Fair 2418

Stardate 95485.0
Security Level 1: Open
TO DS13/Education
CC DS13/Science
BCC CAPT Caspius; CMDR J. Kermit
SUBJ Science Fair 2418


Please see attached.

Strength and Valour,

Lieutenant Commander Throk Fozka
Science Department Chief, Deep Space 13

//ATTACHMENT// SciFair2418Poster-FINAL.png

TO DS13/Science-Fair
CC --
SUBJ Science Fair Submission

Hello! To whom it may concern,

My name is Travis Land and I have a science fair project to submit for your perusal. If you accept it, I would be honored.

The topic is: Real or Imagined; What is Consciousness?

Abstract: Using the holodeck and computer programming, this project intends to explore the concept of consciousness, and whether it can be achieved by complex programming. To achieve this, a computer program was written to engage with observers in order to ascertain whether or not it could be considered “conscious.” The program was given a certain amount of artificial intelligence capabilities, and then instructed to explore the concept of reality and consciousness on its own terms, using the holodeck. It wrote a series of programs and ran them, one by one, in order to come to a conclusion regarding whether or not consciousness could be simulated sufficiently.

A number of individuals were selected at random based on who was on the starbase at certain times by the program and invited to participate with the program and interact with it. These individuals witnessed the program running as well as were required to participate in the program in order to see it to conclusion. The reactions of the individuals participating gave depth to the answer of whether or not the program could sufficiently simulate consciousness enough to appear sapient.

The experiment was successful, in that the program created holodeck programs to test out reality and consciousness, to pose the question to these invited. People attended and reacted to the programs appropriately and willingly entertained the notion that the program was, in fact, sapient and as conscious as they were--enough so that they grew upset with it for how it treated them. The final result as to whether or not the program was considered “conscious” was never rendered where it could be discovered.

Travis Land
Resident, Deep Space 13
//ATTACHMENT// audiovisualholodeck.log