TSTT investigation

Stardate 95524.9
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CAPT. Nimitz, A.; CMDR. Phoenix, R.
CC --
FROM RDML. Konieczko, D.

SUBJ Information on TSTT

Captain and Commander,

To my understanding you two have been engaged in an ongoing investigation into the TSTT and their operations in our region of space. Included in this investigation is the Klingon T'kuq. If either of you have any information and or could summarize the extent of this investigation it would be greatly appreciated.

As forewarning this investigation will likely be moving back into the limelight so if one of you would like to head the investigation I will need to know.

Rear Admiral Dmitri Konieczko
Executive Officer
38th Fleet 'Argo'
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO RDML D. Konieczko
CC CMDR R. Phoenix
SUBJ RE: Information on TSTT


I shall provide a summer of the events to which I have been involved in that includes the TSTT, ether directly or by suspicion.

The first event that I was involved in was regarding the attack on the USS Zulu on Christmas Eve, which was my first and only encounter with the Klingon T'kuq. The Zulu was under attack by three Klingon designed vessels that were bearing the TSTT emblem painted on their ships. The Akagi was able to damage T'kuq's ship, a Klingon Bortas class, and destroyed one of the birds of prey. The second bird of prey was destroyed by T'kuq before he retreated from the battle. After the battle ended, I ordered Commander Phoenix to put me over her PA system where I demanded the surrender of the TSTT boarding parties, as well as lead them to believe that the Akagi was to beam over a hundred MACOs to the Zulu. The Boarding Parties decided not to call my bluff.

Commander Phoenix and I interrogated a number of the captured pirates after the battle, a number of them thought they were hired to help protect Federation shipping lanes in the aftermath of the Azedi attack on Deep Space 13 save for the senor officers of the crew. We talked with the Captain of one of the birds of prey who was leading the boarding parties on the Zulu, after being informed that the threat of a hundred MACOs was in fact a bluff, he became quite cooperative in giving information regarding the TSTT's operations. However any hard evidence that we could have used to prove his story was lost when his ship was destroyed.

The next encounter I had with the TSTT was involved with the rescue mission in witch the then Ensign Aruyo Lara was rescued. In her interview she mentioned a Klingon named T'kuq was among the slavers that were holding her and her shuttle crewmates.

The last encounter with the TSTT involved a mission onboard the USS Endeavour, we encounted another Klingon bird of prey that was under the employment of the TSTT, they threaten the Endeavour at first for failing to fill out a proper incident forum. After a well placed warning shot fired by me, the TSTT ship decided to leave rather then press the issue.

Given my years of experience in security work, I am prepared to take the lead on this investigation.

Captain Alistair Nimitz
Commanding Officer/USS Pegasus
Stardate 95530.7
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CAPT. Nimitz, A.;
CC VADM. Amiri, E.; CMDR. Phoenix, R.
FROM RDML. Konieczko, D.

SUBJ RE: RE: Information on TSTT

Captain Nimitz,

Thank you for the prompt report. At this time I will be assigning you to a renewed investigation into TSTT and their operations. I'm awaiting information from Federation Security and will forward that onto you once I receive it.

Rear Admiral Dmitri Konieczko
Executive Officer
38th Fleet 'Argo'
Level 2 - Confidential
Stardate 95533.9

TO RDML D. Konieczko
CC VADM E. Amiri; CAPT A. Nimitz,
FROM CMDR R. E. Phoenix
SUBJ RE: Information on TSTT


In addition to what Captain Nimitz has already said, I first encountered the TSTT before this time, though I did not know it then. After the evacuation of Deep Space 13 following the Azedi attack, the Zulu encountered various pirate raids on 38th Fleet Patrol routes, no doubt taking advantage of the chaos after the attack. These pirates were emboldened by the fact that the station had been attacked and accused me of disrupting their patrol routes. Though I was attacked, I managed to chase them off, with the exception of the time Captain Nimitz listed above.


Commander Rayna Emma Phoenix
Commanding Officer - USS Zulu