AAR: Unresponsive

Stardate 95714.8
CAPT A. Derenzis
Level 2 - Confidential

LOCATION: Federation Communication Post Kelterre-017, Kelterre Sector

MISSION: Response to automated distress call sent by Comm Post K-017.

OUTCOME: No survivors found on communications post. Evidence of Federation technology used by attackers.

CAPT A. Derenzis
CAPT A. Nimitz
CAPT S. Bishop
LCDR G. Hlolsh (NPC)
LT Boafo (NPC)

NARRATIVE: U.S.S. Shackleton picked up an automated distress call from communications post K-017 near the border with Betazed Sector. Along the way we were joined by U.S.S. Endeavour and U.S.S. Pegasus,who were also responding to the distress call.

On arriving at the outpost, Endeavour and Shackleton moved to investigate the post while Pegasus searched local space for possible hostiles. No hostile vessels were detected nor was there any damage registered to the post itself, however the post showed no life signs. Post K-017 was listed as having a crew complement of 15. Pegasus detected a faint warp trail, estimated at close to a week old - last recorded arrival was a supply transport two weeks previously; the next transport was not due to arrive for another two days. Analysis from Shackleton's sensors was able to determine the trail was laid down by a warp core approximately escort-class in size, and Federation in design, though not current technology. Once it was determined there were no biohazards aboard K-017, Shackleton and Pegasus beamed over away teams to investigate. This officer, CAPT Bishop, and CAPT Nimitz joined the away teams soon after.

Examination of the corpses found revealed evidence of phaser fire, confirmed by tricorder scans. CMO Gov Hlolsh was able to determine the time of death at four days prior to our arrival. Meanwhile the Pegasus away team found onboard sensor and security logs to have been wiped by the attackers. CAPT Bishop soon found one corpse who had been attacked with a dagger of some kind, and the blood used to spell the message "This is revenge, Starfleet!" on the corridor wall. This officer conducted scans of the corpse, and together with CAPT Nimitz, concluded that a blade similar to a Klingon d'k taqh was used on the corpse - after the person had been killed by phaser fire. Fragments of metal, believed to be from the blade, were found not to match known Klingon alloys used in d'k taqh construction. Examination of the communication post and comparison against inventory records show no supplies or equipment was taken from K-017 in the attack. Once all parties had completed scans of evidence, they returned to their respective ships.

This officer and CAPT Nimitz then met with CAPT Bishop aboard the Endeavour. CAPT Bishop forwarded his suspicion that the attack may be linked to one Mathias Gregorie, a veteran of the Klingon War, who had been dishonourably discharged due to falsifying the account of events early in the War and his role in them. This officer would note that this is currently no more than a suspicion, though all captains agreed the intent of the attack was to cast suspicion on the Klingon Empire as the perpetrator. CAPT Nimitz noted that, had the post been found by the supply ship due to arrive in two days, it was likely that further decomposition would have made proper analysis of the phaser wounds difficult to impossible, especially by civilian witnesses. Other possible suspects mentioned include: the MACO team that Grigorie abandoned during the war, Terra Prime, a rogue Klingon house, but at present there are no leads that could aid in narrowing this list down. The metal fragments extracted from the corpse were transferred to the Pegasus for transport to Earth and forensic facilities there.

RECOMMENDATION: Communication Post Kelterre-017 has been sealed to prevent further contamination of the crime scene. This officer recommends that a full investigation team be dispatched at once to examine the post in detail. In addition, all nearby Federation outposts should be alerted to the possibility that the attackers may try again. Best estimate of the ship used was a Federation-made escort vessel, since decommissioned and possibly refurbished for other use.

In addition, should Post Kelterre-017 have been used for encrypted communications, those encryptions should be changed at once. We must assume the mystery attackers may have acquired encryption keys and may use them to further their agenda.

OOC: AAR for the impromptu event Sam hosted Tuesday night at Gamma; if I missed anything or misattributed actions let me know in Discord or PM and I'll make corrections. Thanks for letting me take part!