

A Waydi male, Ambassador Cei, met during first contact.

The Waydi are a bipedal humanoid species of considerable height but slender build who occupy a class-M planet in the Waydis system. Their species is the only sentient species on a predominantly ocen covered temperate class M planet.


The Waydis system contains four planets in total. Three terrestrial planets and then a large gas giant. Its likely other smaller planetoids exist beyond the gas giant, but have too small of mass to have their gravities detected by our sensors. The Waydi occupy the third planet, the only class M planet in the system. They have not attempted colonization or terraforming of other planets. However, there is indications that a civilization was conducting Hydrogen-3 mining around the gas giant. The derelict, but still functioning mining platform was discovered during a system reconassance. Its origin is unknown, but scan indicate that it could be over 50,000 years old.

The Waydi, themselves likely evolved terrestrially. The Waydi themselves never developed an organ equivalnet to the "ear". Instead, Waydi communication is based on telepathic abilities. They do have mouths, suspected to be used primarily for the purpose of food consumption. Their vison and other senses appear to be comparable with most other humanoid species. Little else is known at this time.

The Waydi ship encountered during first contact.

Little is known at this time. The technology of their ships lack the ability to sustain their crews for significant interstellar journeys despite being warp capable (current estimates are that they can attain a top speed of Warp 1.8).

Little is known at this time.