Morale Meetings: Round A, Session 3

As notated in I'shari S'rrel's personal work files.

Serrat, guest
Sedai, observer

Mandatory sessions a Bad Idea.

Attendee Notes:
  • Vahkur could use some cultural integration classes. Willingly divulged some information, but grew impatient when the game didn't quite go his way; most likely linked to his frustration at not fully understanding the games' purpose.

  • Yondia, engineering brilliance in a socially unadapted form; unfit for casual social interaction. Recommend more borg rehabilitation seminars and one-on-one training.

  • Primus channeled his intelligence into comical negativity; accepting of species traditionally held suspect (Vahkur, Serrat)- equality in his negativity! Very, very private on personal information. Social interaction management training may be advisory.

  • Serrat, Gul. Cardassian gov't liaison. Willing to participate/explore new things even when purpose not evident; perhaps a little 'too' serious- took the game as an exercise in deception.

  • Sedai: Professional, suppressed sense of humor. Realist: fought a klingon in melee combat and won, put it down to 'very lucky'.

After Rex and Serrat...should I reconsider the two-lies-and-a-truth game?
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