U.S.S. Resolution - Report

To: Commodore Ashworth
CC: Starfleet Command
Subject U.S.S. Resolution

Sir's, it is my duty to report that the U.S.S. Resolution has been lost, with all hands. Upon my arrival in system, the William Decker was engaged by one (1) Vo'Quv Class, two (2) Vor'Cha Class and numerous birds of prey. We were able to eliminate both the carrier and one of the Vor'Cha Class ships before having to break away. We returned around 1 hour later under cloak, where we discovered the Resolution. No espace pods or lifeboats had been launched, the Bridge and Main Engineering were exposed to space.

After downloading as much of the computer core as possible, I believe that the Resolution was lured into the system and destroyed, with no surrender offer given. If this is a new manner of engagement on the Klingon's behalf, all lone starships should be careful prior to responding to distress calls.

Captain John Carter
U.S.S. William Decker