Intel Update Brief



This brief covers three areas of concern in relation to the threat our Task Force faces, and our area of responsibility.The first area of coverage is the Klingon Empire.

Clearly the biggest threat to Task Force Argo operations are the Klingons. Although the Federation and Klingon Empire have no treaty, there is a loosely observed peace. However, factions within the Klingon Empire continue to act against Federation elements in this sector. Operations including the seize of the Ker'rat system, which elements of our Task Force helped liberate, indicate the extend some Klingon factions are willing to take against the Federation.

Over the past few months, we have seen some success, however. the liberation of the Waydi, the defeat of the Klingon Armada at the Battle of Starbase 381 and, as mentioned, the retaking of the Ker'rat system have put Klingon forces in this sector on the defensive.

Starfleet Intel assesses that Klingon forces are likely to change to smaller hit and run tactics, given these recent losses. But, its unlikely they will cease offensive operations, especially with the ability to quickly withdrawal to the safety of Klingon space.

These are similar tactics that we have seen conducted by the Gorn and Orion Syndicate organizations as well. Although these organizations act in more loosely controls elements, this tactic has proven successful for them. Starfleet Intel expects the Klingons to adopt similar tactics.

In reference to all three of these organizations, and other pirate activities, its likely we will see a small uptick in activity in the coming months. This is due the above mentioned reasons and because of the recent upheaval in pirate organizations due to the recent capture of the criminal R'zo-vek. His capture had minor ripples across criminal organizations and those have led to a lack of guidance and control to the small raiders and pirates operations in our sector. The pirate leadership actually helps add a level of structure to pirate raiding groups something Starfleet Intel can predict against. With these changes, the pirates are left to their own devices while leadership is sorted and that makes it much harder for Starfleet to assess when and where attacks will happen.

The second area of concern is going back along the galactic arm, to sectors like Beta Ursae and Orellius.
Recently, there has been an increase in Cardassain Separatist activity throughout the Beta Ursae sector. As the recognized government of Cardassia Prime continues peaceful diplomatic relations with the Federation and the Bajorans several small extremist groups have pushed for a return to the military rule and older style of Cardassian government and diplomacy.

Some of these groups have the ability to conduct small scale terrorist attacks in the sector and that is what we have seen most recently. Targets tend to be either Bajoran civilian outpost and colonies or any Federation transport it determines to be lacking in defensive capabilities.

The most commonly encountered group is the "True Way". Their history, going back to just after the Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor. The True Way is bolstered in capability by their allegiance to Dominion elements.
However, other smaller, and lesser known, groups include the "Gold and Grey", "Moset's Shroud", and "Tide of Cardassia". All of these groups are threats to shipping and civilian commerce and travel in Beta Ursae.

Of note, the Dominion, minus one instance of a Dominion fleet which was lost in time, has had little to no activity, communication or influence in Federation space outside of its proxy support to the True Way since the end of the Dominion War.

We have also continued to see an influx of Breen Confederacy defectors in the Orellius sector. Although Breen forces are mostly not of a critical threat to Federation forces, but the Federation has made avenues for protection of Breen defectors and that has led to confrontations where Starfleet elements are required to defend the defectors from other Breen force.

The last area of concern looks back towards the core of Federation space, we see two threats, one old and another relatively new.

First, an old thread, the Borg Collective.

As always, at least for the for the past several decades, the persistent pressure from the Borg Collective has been pressing in on Federation space along the Regulus sector. Due to advances in weapons and technology, Starfleet is better prepared for these operations than we were when we first encountered the Borg, over four decades ago. Adaptation of Borg weapons and technology has especially helped in that endeavor. Still, the Borg persist and we have seen a steady amount of attacks around the Sibiran system. Along with that, Borg listening posts have been observed in the Eta Eridani sector several times over the last year. It is possible that the Borg could start conducting operations in our backyard as a way to shift focus from their primary efforts in the Sirius and Regulus sectors. Due to this, Starfleet has continued to hold mandatory Borg incursion training scenarios, quarterly, at varying outpost across Federation space.

Lastly, we will talk about a relatively new threat. About six months ago both Federation and Klingon Empire forces were confronted by a unique threat, Crystalline Entities. And, although the relationship is still not completely understood, the Tholians had allied with the Crystalline Entities, adding to the complexity of the situation. Both the Klingon Empire and Starfleet moved to engage this threat. Several ships from Task Force Argo were involved in those confrontations. Through the combined effort, the Tholians were pushed back and the Crystalline entities with them.

The last time they were seen was about five months ago without a shred of intel since then. However, as recently as three days ago there have been reports of a Crystalline Entity and Tholians along the Federation border. And, Starfleet is, again, mounting joint operations with the Klingon Empire to keep them at bay and destroy them where applicable. Some of our ships may have already been involved in these classified operations.Forces will be dispatched primarily to the Agatha system, where it appears they are staging. But, be prepared for operations all along this sector of space. Hopefully more will be available soon about this re-emergent threat.

This did not discus issues associated with the Tal Shiar and New Romulus. This is partially due to our lack of Task Force involvement there. Although the USS Moirai has been conducting operations along supply lanes in the Tau Dewa sector, they have encountered only minimal issues with hostile Romulans in the sector and we currently just don't have the assets to focus on that sector at this time. As our operations change and shift, its possible that Tau Dewa may become a point of contention in the future. And, if the Romulan Republic would be willing to share its intelligence a bit more, we would also have something to brief you. Perhaps at then next intel brief I will have some more for you about the thread in Tau Dewa.

This concludes the intel update brief

Ensign RunningBear
Task Force Argo
Intel Division