AAR - Response to Distress Call; Orellius Sector

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FROM: Executive Officer, Lt Commander Hadrian, USS Atlas
TO: Command, Task Force Argo
SUBJECT: Response to Distress Call; Orellius Sector


On Starbase 489818.6, the USS Atlas received an automated distress call from an unknown source. Argo command tracked its location to the Orellius Sector, the Defera system. Argo Command instructed all available ships to proceed to the Defera system to investigate. The USS Atlas, USS Shrewbury, USS Moirai, USS Bucephalus, USS Magpie, USS Albion, USS Bulwark, USS Semmelweis, and the USS Okoboji all proceeded to the location.

Upon arrival in the system, we found the USS Maestro in orbit above Defera. Onboard were Lt Sedai and Ensign Ciroe, They were the only two passengers who had not been subdued by a mercenary team that attempted to take over the ship. A unknown paralyzing gas was used. The Ensign and Lieutenant were able to take control of the ship back from the mercenaries and identified their employer as Orion Syndicate, however they were unable to override its nav system, thus they initiated the distress call.

The USS Bucephalus was able to hack into the Maestro's nav computer and determine their original destination as the Kebrall system. The Kebrall system has a new Federation colony awaiting its first main shipment of settlers.

With the Maestro secured,and LT Sedai brought aboard the USS Albion, the USS Moirai transferred over a skeleton crew to take the USS Maestro back to Deep Space Nine. The USS Bulwark escorted the vessel. Also at this time the USS Okoboji departed for to return to their previous mission.

The rest of the Task Force proceeded on to the Kebrall system to investigate where the USS Maestro was headed. Upon arrival in the Kebrall system we contacted the Colonial Administrator. They were oblivious to any concerns. The Task Force then proceeded to start scanning other ships in the system to determine if any others may have had crews that had been incapacitated.

Two ships the USS Suestado and USS Karajol were both in orbit and determined to have suspicious crews and were not responding to hails. Boarding parties were sent to both and it was determined that Orion Syndicate operatives had taken control of the ship. It appears they were being assisted by the Breen Conglomerate or Breen defectors. Both ships were re-secured by the Starfleet boarding parties. One mercenary was taken prisoner aboard the USS Karajol, but the prisoner killed herself in her cell aboard the USS Atlas before we could get much information from her.

We did determined from the ship's computers that they had a secret base located below ground, approximately 30 kilometers from the main Kebrall settlement. They also had a nearby base on an asteroid. The Task Force split into three forces, one for the asteroid base, and one for each end of the underground compound.

The space based team came across significant orbital defenses but were able to get through and retrieve one group of the captured crews. The ground teams on Kebrall encountered Syndicate and Breen combatants in the tunnels. An Orion Syndicate senior officer was killed during the skirmish. Two more groups of missing crew members were found in the underground bases as well. In total, 64 missing Federation citizens were recovered from captivity in the joint Breen/Syndicate bases.

The USS Atlas stayed in system for a few more hours to conduct a meeting with the Colonial Administrator and ensure their security structure was adequate, before departing the Kebrall System.

The Atlas is en route to Deep Space Nine. We will be there for approximately 48 hours before we start our return patrol back to Outpost Argo.

Lt Commander Hadrian
USS Atlas, Executive Officer
Mercury Squadron
Task Force Argo
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