S'TARIAN, Sickbay Incident Report

Stardate: ((11.22.13))Report Submitted: Lt. Sedai, Outpost Argo

Responded to a request for my presence in sickbay to provide a medical and psychological opinion on the Romulan, S'Tarian. Upon my arrival, I found Captain Areyis Fulagsu engaged in a mind meld with the patient and I intervened when the Captain began displaying severe symptoms of distress.

The Captain promptly directed for scans of the patient, where we discovered a cybernetic implant embedded deep in the patient's skull. This being beyond my medical capabilities, Surgeon-Doctor Pilikk was called. His assessment determined that the implant could not be removed without permanent damage to the patient's brain matter, thus he elected to install an interference module instead.

During the entire process, I -- and others -- were afflicted by telepathic messages of varying coherency from the sedated S'Tarian. It was determined that the implant was actually enabling the telepathic contact, as Romulans do not normally exhibit telepathic capabilities. These messages abruptly ceased as the inhibitor was installed.

Lt. Katriel Sedai

Officers Involved in Action:
  • Captain Areyis Fulagsu
  • Doctor Pilikk
  • Da'nia
  • S'Tarian