Lt. Vella Vardi, Deep Space 13
LOCATION Operations, Deep Space 13
MISSION Receive and allocate incoming refugees and wounded from the ongoing conflict with the Romulan empire.
OUTCOME Personnel received and processed. Incidents reported.
- CMDR Brex @Moose
- LT Greene @guttercore
- LT Vardi @Vella
- EN Sadaann @Sadaann
NARRATIVE After a short briefing lead by Commander Brex, the crew were alerted to incoming vessels. The first a Republic courier carrying more then she could handle, the R.S. Mhira. The next to arrive was a battered bulk transport from the front lines, the R.S. Mnhaelae. The Mnhaelae carried not only civilians but soldiers, officers, and medical personnel from both sides of the conflict. The next to arrive was a unidentified and didn’t respond to hails. It launched a series of Romulan shuttles with passengers and left the area via unknown means, probably Elachi.
Next up was Giridian Warbird, the I.G.W Nvelai scaring away the Mnhaelae before she could fully evacuate her passengers. The Giridians came in search of a noble, in dereliction of their duties in the war, who was transferred from the Mnhaelae to Deep Space 13. They were informed to standby until further notice from staff/crew authorized to handle this situation.
Next to arrive was a Risian Luxe passenger liner who was able to approach without issue, however another ship, severely damaged arrived without notice on a collision course with the Nvelai. Before actions could be taken the newly arrived ship, a badly damaged Gorn vessel, clipped the aft section of the Giridian vessel. Damage control teams were dispatched via runabouts and the integrity fields reinforced from the station to the Gorn vessel, the Giridians offered assistance as well.
The Risians were asked to set course for Starbase 157, to make way for the Gorn vessel. This is when the last vessel to arrive appeared, a Republic warbird. They were directed to transport some of their wounded to the station and the rest to K-17.
RECOMMENDATION We need to see to the wounded first before anything. Then notify command staff and the Diplomatic Corp avoid the run-away Giridian noble. See if the Gorn vessel is salvagable.
RECOGNITION Commander Brex and Lt. Greene provided overall command decisions with how to allocate incoming. Ensign Sadaann provided Traffic Control. I just threw out idea and notified on-site crew.
OOCTransciption Don’t know what else to put here. Soo…