AAR: No Hiding Place For Fear

Filed By:
ENS Els Ecca

LOCATION Brozarth System, Kelterre Sector

MISSION To investigate the possible motivation of an attack on the U.S.S. Endeavour by an unidentified adversary.

OUTCOME Success, we gained valuable intelligence about a previously unknow species that are guarding a resource on the planet.


  • CPTN Mirazuni, Ayesha
  • LT Miyawaki, Sakura
  • ENS Els, Ecca
  • ENS Skye, Cecilia

NARRATIVE Captain Mirazuni briefed the team and appointed LT Miyawaki as team lead. We were to be surgically altered to blend in with the populace and find out what was so important on the planet that someone would try and gut the Endeavour. She made clear that we were to keep to the prime directive, as the civilization was pre-space age.

The team shuttled to the planet coming down well outside the town, and proceeded in under a holoimage of a local vehicle. Sakura noted that the place was reminiscent of old Earth Britain. As we made our way into the town we found out that there were aliens setting up a business, and there were to large squid headed humanoids holding an advanced weapons.

We gathered information from a local vendor about what was going on. They were disgruntled about the alien presence. The aliens had been there about a month, and were using the locals to mine something. There is an area designated as “East Milswich” that is off limits for the local populace, and was stated as being in Chaos. The mines that were being used had already been there and were closed by the locals under the “Olonio years”.

The aliens have no issues displaying their technology in front of the locals, openly carrying weapons and using transporters freely. We overheard a conversation amongst the aliens saying “He didn’t cooperate. The eggs have been implanted. We will return in 32 hours.” Our investigation lead us to the Mayor who had just been visited by two of the aliens. The LT was acting as a lookout as ENS Skye and myself (ENS Els) went to question the mayor. Our scans showed us that the Mayor had eggs implanted in his brain. Unfortunately the mayor was not able to answer our questions as he experienced profuse vomiting. We decided to stun the mayor in the hopes of getting medical attention for him. Unfortunately we were interrupted before we could and had to send him to a local hospital. It was at that point that it was decided we should report back with what information we had.

RECOMMENDATION It is my recommendation that we return to the planet and ascertain what it is the aliens are mining. It may also be prudent to find a way to remove or nullify these brain eggs,

RECOGNITION I feel that the whole team performed admirably. I was particularly impressed by ENS Skye’s quick thinking under pressure.

OOC Is this the end? Who were those mysterious beings that attacked the Endeavour? What are they after? And what of the sinister brain eggs?
Thanks to Sam for running this event, I had a blast.

Filed By:
CAPT Mirazuni, A

LOCATION Brozarth System, Kelterre Sector

MISSION Continued investigation of the planet.

OUTCOME Intelligence gathered.


  • CAPT Mirazuni, Ayesha
  • CMDR Eunbi, Jung

NARRATIVE Following on the leads from the above report, the Commander and I decided to investigate the disturbance in the zone designated as East Milswich.

In the area, the Commander and I found a protest against the alien occupation, which was put down violently by the alien occupiers. The Commander and I managed to get out unscathed before curfew was enforced.

RECOMMENDATION The occupation raises many questions; if the aliens wanted to control the planet militarily, it would clearly not be difficult to do so, and yet, a civilian government is still allowed to govern. Secondly, why do these aliens want to occupy this specific planet? Continued investigation reveals it to be less than satisfactory. More investigation needed.

RECOGNITION All performed to expectations.

OOC This is the AAR for a short event that Eunha and I ran to follow up some leads on the above report. This is part of the No Hiding Place for Fear event chain.

Filed By:
ENS Els, Ecca

LOCATION Brozarth System, Kelterre Sector

MISSION Find out what the aliens want out of the mines.

OUTCOME The away team gathered additional information on the operations of the occupying aliens.


  • LT Miyawaki, Sakura
  • LTJG Skally, Sarah
  • ENS Els, Ecca

NARRATIVE A three person team was sent to infiltrate the mining operations of the unknown race that is occupying this pre-warp civilization. With falsified identifications we entered the mines and proceeded to poke around. The miner’s themselves don’t appear to be aware of any specific target of their efforts. They have been instructed to take everything and put it in machines provided by the “octopus men”. LT Miyawaki was able to get a comprehensive scan of one of these machines, the data will need to be analyzed by the ship’s computer.
There are a few other details we picked up about the situation on planet. Work in the mine is apparently difficult, and miner death not uncommon. It seems that there is an attitude along the lines of look out for yourself, we were told that the bodies of deceased miners were placed in the alien machines because they were paid by weight and a section would be shut down if there were a death reported. A person would be considered to be a long timer if they were there for only a matter of months. We also learned that the aliens are planning to increase mining on the planet by opening additional sites.

RECOMMENDATION I feel that further investigation is warranted. Once the data has been analyzed we will hopefully have a better idea what we are looking for.

RECOGNITION The away team did the job quickly and without any undue attention.

OOC Thanks to Sam for running the event. I have not forgotten about the brain eggs, I will find out how to defeat them.