CAPT Mirazuni, A
LOCATION Brozarth System, Kelterre Sector
MISSION Continued investigation of the planet.
OUTCOME Intelligence gathered.
- CAPT Mirazuni, Ayesha
- CMDR Eunbi, Jung
NARRATIVE Following on the leads from the above report, the Commander and I decided to investigate the disturbance in the zone designated as East Milswich.
In the area, the Commander and I found a protest against the alien occupation, which was put down violently by the alien occupiers. The Commander and I managed to get out unscathed before curfew was enforced.
RECOMMENDATION The occupation raises many questions; if the aliens wanted to control the planet militarily, it would clearly not be difficult to do so, and yet, a civilian government is still allowed to govern. Secondly, why do these aliens want to occupy this specific planet? Continued investigation reveals it to be less than satisfactory. More investigation needed.
RECOGNITION All performed to expectations.
OOC This is the AAR for a short event that Eunha and I ran to follow up some leads on the above report. This is part of the No Hiding Place for Fear event chain.