AAR: The Shinari Conspiracy

Filed By:
CAPT Meadows, Rebecca

LOCATION Shinarechi

MISSION To determine who poisoned a Terran Empire prisoner in Federation custody while being held on behalf of the Shinari

OUTCOME The perpetrator was apprehended.


  • CAPT Dubois, Christian
  • CAPT Meadows, Rebecca
  • CAPT Mirazuni, Ayesha
  • CAPT Tungsten, Drake

NARRATIVE A Terran prisoner, being held by Starfleet on behalf of the Shinari, was admitted to sickbay after a suspected poisoning. Captain Dubois tasked us with identifying the culprit behind the poisoning.

I understood the Captain’s determination, given the attack took place on his own ship. I felt some measure of responsibility for this, as it was my suggestion that led to us holding the Shinari’s prisoners for them in the first place. At the time, I thought I was doing the right thing. Under Shinari custody, after all, those prisoners would likely have experienced a less-than-optimal level of care. As it turns out, though, it didn’t matter who housed them.

The substance used to poison the prisoner in question was a common Earth fungus - Clitocybe Nebularis, and it was introduced to the victim via their food. Captain Dubois and his crew could find no evidence of replicator tampering.

The primary suspects, per Dubois’ preliminary investigations, were Admiral Driga, and Director Tridi. These individuals were both members of the Shinari Restoration Council - a body of ambiguous-legality, yet one which we nevertheless must placate in order to maintain relations with the Shinari people.

We first questioned Admiral Driga. Through that line of questioning, it was determined that Admiral Driga knew of the prisoner as being the first officer of the Terran Lexington-class Dreadnought that the Shinari are currently attempting to reverse engineer. The Admiral indicated, somewhat cryptically, that they sought to extract technical information from the prisoner - and that they had achieved as much.

Captain Tungsten and I found the Admiral’s callous nature towards the prisoner to be suspicious at first, but more information was forthcoming from Director Tridi.

Captain Tungsten led the Director’s questions. To begin with, the Director answered as we might expect - a representative of a people harmed, showing little empathy toward their abusers. But as the interview progressed, we all noted some heightened emotions.

The Director began to grow agitated during this line of questioning. She began to accusatorially ask us what the Admiral had told us, why we were asking certain questions, and what our motives were. Thanks to Captain Mirazuni’s interventions, we were able to steer the Admiral into an admission of guilt.

A combination of deep personal loss, and deeply-held Shinari spiritual convictions, had led Director Tridi to take matters into her own hands, in an effort to sabotage relations between the Shinari and the Federation. Shinari beliefs, it transpires, favour isolationism.

Our very offer of help, after so much suffering, had been taken as a cue that something was wrong with the universe.

Fortunately, her efforts were thwarted.

There were, and remain, cultural concerns that we may not be able to understand at present without a broader frame of reference, regarding both the Shinari people’s experiences before and during the Terran invasion, and how their culture adapts to these outside influences in the future. Director Tridi, driven by deep, personal loss and deep, and a personal adherence to a philosophy we are yet to properly understand, sought to act upon those concerns to protect her people.

She was prepared to take her own life, and our lives, to protect her people. She was unsuccessful, but she nearly took three Starfleet captains out with her efforts.

Admiral Driga, for her part, has at least acknowledged that a reluctance to trust Starfleet has been repeatedly demonstrated to be a poor decision. Admiral Driga will doubtlessly be an important contact with, and ally within, the Shinari people moving forward. But Admiral Driga is just one individual.

The Shinari people have experienced great hardship. They have been forced to come to terms with a universe that their culture is not yet necessarily prepared to deal with, followed shortly afterwards by an enemy that sought to obliterate them. I continue to recommend a ‘soft-touch’ when dealing with them.

But before that, we must, absolutely, invest some additional time into understanding who they are, what some of them believe, and why they believe it.


  • We must learn more about the Shinari belief systems. A full diplomatic team should be assigned to learn all that we can about their unusual, balance-orientated belief system. Our lack of knowledge in this regard nearly resulted in the deaths of multiple Starfleet officers and a break-down of diplomatic relations.

  • Restricted access to Terran prisoners by Shinari officers and staff for the time being. Until we understand more about Shinari beliefs, Shinari motivations, and how they might react to our own presence - much less Terran prisoners - we should monitor precisely who has access to their prisoners for the time being.

RECOGNITION CAPT Mirazuni, Ayesha - Her insight proved invaluable to determining the true culprit.

OOC 5th August | The Shinari Conspiracy
11th August | The Shinari Conspiracy, Part 2

The delay here is explainable by… hey wait, look over there! Points behind you and runs away


To: CAPT Meadows; CAPT Dubois;
CC: T’Vel;
From: Ambassador Perim
Subj: RE: Attached Report


I am going to require additional information about these events and the current situation at Shinarechi.

  1. As of the most recent contact, FDC provided the Shinari with two options regarding the custody of the prisoners. In one option, the prisoners were to be held fully in Starfleet custody. In the other, the prisoners were to remain in Shinari custody, with Starfleet only providing the use of a brig to house them. Which was it?

  2. What is the disposition of the prisoner that was poisoned?

  3. How many other prisoners remain aboard the Peacecraft?

  4. Have you discovered the method by which the poison was introduced, and have steps been taken to safeguard the other prisoners against that method?

  5. This report mentions that Director Tridi nearly “took out” three Starfleet Captains, and asserts that our lack of knowledge nearly resulted in multiple Starfleet deaths. How?

Neema Perim
Federation Ambassador


To: AMB N. Perim
CC: CAPT Meadows; T’Vel
From: CAPT C. Dubois
Subj: Your Subject Line


I am confident I can satisfy your request for additional information.

  1. The current arrangement provides for the POWs to remain in full Shinari custody. A section of the USS Peacecraft has been opportunely refitted to host them and their guards.

  2. The prisoner is currently held in sickbay for further examinations, under request by my CMO. However, it should be noted that he’s absolutely out of any risk for his life.

  3. The current total amount of POWs on board is 651.

  4. For what we have been to establish, the poison had been ingested by the prisoner. Apparently, Director Tridi took the opportunity offered by a visit to the POWs during their transfers to poison some of the food being delivered to them. It is currently unknown whether she already had a specific target in mind or not.

  5. According to the report delivered by the security team dispatched on the scene, Director Tridi attempted to take a weapon she had previously managed to conceal. I suppose that is what Capt. Meadows was referring to when she wrote of “almost getting out” three Starfleet captains.

As for the moment, due to the peculiar circumstances and events that happened, I managed to negotiate with Admiral Driga a new arrangement for the Terran POWs, decreasing the number of Shinari personnel on board, and substantially increasing Starfleet surveillance on them.
I hope this answer your questions but I am, of course, available and ready to give any further information you may need.

Capt. Christian Dubois
Commanding Officer,
USS Peacecraft