Analysis of Anomaly

Stardate 96180.8
LT.JG Serris Zital
Level 2 - Confidential

LOCATION: Event Horizon Lounge, Deep Space 13

OBJECTIVE: Analyze traversal anomaly that compromised Deep Space 13 security.

OUTCOME: One officer injured, completed analysis of anomaly.


  • LT.JG Serris Zital
  • ENS Teigo

NARRATIVE: Following reports of a distortion appearing in the Event Horizon lounge, I reported on-site to determine the nature of the distortion. Eyewitness accounts reported a "static" feeling in the air accompanied by an ominous buzzing sound, followed by the appearance of a "blue wormhole" that deposited three bodies into the lounge area. Based on this information, I was able to form a working theory.

Wormholes often have a gravitational matrix composed of graviton particles, which appear in an ultraviolet light spectrum visible to most humanoid species when excited and highly charged, and their gravitational field can cause electromagnetic interference similar to what was described. Operating under the assumption that this was indeed a targeted micro-wormhole, I realized that there may still be a subspace wake left that could provide us with a relative spatial orientation of the other end of the wormhole, but that these readings would not linger for long because of the inherent instability of the micro-wormhole's spatial matrix.

Unfortunately, a magneton scanner necessary to perform a fast enough scan was not present in the lounge. Using my tricorder, the subspace field antenna salvaged from my combadge, and an electromagnetic induction coil salvaged from a cellular displacer by ENS Teigo, I was able to fashion a makeshift scanner by amplifying an electromagnetic pulse through all subspace bands. This overloaded nearby communication devices with a shrill whistle measuring 79.4 decibels for approximately seven seconds. During this time, ENS Teigo suffered a tympanic concussion and nearly lost consciousness. Several officers in the area reported discomfort and subsequent ringing of the inner ears.

Following the completion of the scan, I was able to confirm my theory and gather detailed readings from the wormhole's subspace wake before it had completely vanished. The spatial matrix is comprised of gravitons, neutrinos, and tachyons, and resonates on a frequency of 1701.47 MHz. However, the wake had collapsed to the point where I was unable to retrieve a bearing. Upon cataloguing this information, I retrieved ENS Teigo and carried him to Sickbay.

RECOMMENDATION: Due to the security risks presented by a hostile power possessing the ability to remotely penetrate our defenses at will, actions should be taken immediately to remedy the possibility of unanticipated hostile boarders. Modulate station deflectors to emit an anti-graviton field at a modulation of 1701.47 MHz, one pulse per ten seconds. Create a joint task force between science and engineering departments in order to reverse-engineer this traversal system. Request Starfleet Research & Development begin researching anti-neutrino technology that does not cause catastrophic failure of modern electro-plasma energy distribution systems. Consider disciplinary action as needed for incident of officer injury.

OOC: I apologize if I'm overstepping any boundaries by trying to fill in context, but I thought it might be fun to try filling one of these out.
---- // SYSTEM NOTICE // ----

This report classification category has been upgraded from

LEVEL 2: Confidential


LEVEL 3: Restricted

Azedi Research

CMDR Austin, Maxwell S.
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