Dae's Thread of Awesome Real (or Near Real) Space Stuff

This has been a good week for science. Water on Mars and Lightsabers as an actual possibility. And I mean that. Both of that. I am a scientist!
Score one for Curiosity and score another one for Darth Vader. Thanks for the links!
Question: What are the two brightest natural objects in the night sky?

Two Brightest Objects in the Sky

Spoiler: AnswerShow
The Moon and Venus
Weather forecasts for exo-planets? Not quite, but to actually "see" the reflection of solar light off of clouds on Keplar-7B, that's pretty awesome!


"After ruling out other possibilities..."

That statement probably means they tested to make sure it wasn't, but does anyone have any other thoughts on what could have caused the hot-spot localized on the planet? I had a few come to mind really quickly, but I bet we can... find some cool "outside the box" answers as well.
Perpe tidally burning salt flats from where an alien craft crash landed.

Tires. Toes. Totes. There we go. Playing with a tablet. Autocorrect is hilarious.

Also in case you can't tsk I'm joking.

About the salt flats. Not this being s hilarious way tho communicate.
Gonna go with Rachni hatching ground.
Thermal signature of a planetary destruction weapon powering up.
I, uh.... gosh! I thought someone would have started with "Volcano". All of those rock! *mind blown*

Rachni. Yes. Rachni. "Will you end out song, again?"
Okay, so this has been on my radar for a few weeks now. Finally an article on the web about it! So, I rushed to read it and then copy/paste it to this thread.

But, the whole history of animals in space is kind of depressing. I warn, not an article for animal lovers. Unless you find your love for their lives tempered by their explorer spirit, in this case involving trips to low-earth orbit.


One last thing, chance of Space Cat coming home safe and sound? ...pretty slim. :( Sorry Space Cat.
I liked this one.

Lone planet discovered floating free in space:


Its cool to see the imagery they used to see it.
So, does anyone else read xkcd?


[edit] Dang, I already spammed Dae's space-science thread today, but then I found something else.

... ah, who cares. It's not MY arbitrary posting limit rule. :o

Woah, those are both cool. Thanks Kat!
Not space related, yet, but is pretty flupping important.

We have for the first time mastered a Fission reaction. Made more energy than what we put into it. This. This is the future. Also, spaceflight future. Future of everything energy related. WOOOOOO!

SpaceX's Grasshopper is getting higher and higher. Of note watch how CLOSE the UAV-copter recording it gets to the rocket on decent. Wow!
I wasn't sure if that was supposed to land or explode. I think watching my husband play Kerbal Space Program has led me to expect the worst.

...I'm glad it landed.

Also, I'm surprised that UAV didn't rock from wind or something!
A totally awesome info-graph detailing mans scientific ventures into space.

You seen the weather today? No not your terrestrial weather, the stellar weather!

An interesting read on the NOAA space weather Prediction Center.


Of note, this article mentions the Carrington Event. During that event some telegraphs reported that they functioned without batteries running solely on charged particles in the atmosphere. Of note, your cellphone wouldn't fair as well in a repeat event.
Pretty awesome citizen science project. I haven't looked too far into it yet, but I will be getting involved. Seems to be it's the classifying of star clusters, might be individual starts, in the Andromeda galaxy.
Space stuff! Already knew all of it but, its informative.

What does space smell like? Astronaut Chris Hadfield answers your questions