DS13 Science Lecture Series

DS13 Science Lecture Series


A Picture is 1000 words

by Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD


You are hereby invited to attend the June lecture of the Deep Space 13 Science Department Lecture Series, being held on Stardate 97452.2 ((14th June)), at Lecture Theatre 3, Deck 53, Deep Space 13.

The lecture, delivered by Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Samuel Bishop, will be discussing how he led a team in deciphering the pictograms of the Nonobo culture on Xar-Olip IV. Admiral Bishop is the current Executive Officer of the 38th Fleet, having previously been the Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Endeavour. He has extensive experience in archaeology and is widely published. This talk is a must-see for any who are interested in xeno-linguistics and good old-fashioned code-breaking.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Equally so, if you would like to be placed on the list for potential future lectures, please message me directly.

Lieutenant Vanessa Lorvos, PhD
Theoretical Physicist
Deep Space 13

OOC IT’S BACK! Well, it was running offscreen the entire time but now it can be slightly less offscreen again. This is an ongoing RP hook for people to get involved in. It requires as much work as you have time to put in; if all you can do is give me a name and topic, that’s great, I’ll just put your name down and it can all happen offscreen. If people would like to post reports or lecture notes, feel free to do so in this thread. Let me know if you have ideas for lectures, whether that is your alt, or an NPC!