
Chapter 11: Memento Mori


15:00 Hours

Promoted? To where? On whose authority? The Tal Shiar is a political organization, you can’t just arbitrarily reassign my officers! I have a crew of over fifteen hundred, you can’t just transfer three Department Heads off the ship and expect my command structure to remain effective!”

Major K’haeth stands in the Commander’s office aboard the Irix. His calm smile serves as a stark contrast to the screaming Romulan behind the desk.

“Commander Galan, as always, I find our conversations most enlightening. Unfortunately, these promotions were necessary to further the goals of The Project. As I’m sure you’re aware, we have a schedule to keep. Please ensure that your ship and crew are operating at peak efficiency by the time we arrive at our destination. Twelve hours is ample time to select and assign replacement officers.”

Fvadt your timetable. Fvadt your precious Project, and fvadt you. You’ll be the death of us all.”

Leaving the Commander alone to continue digging his fingernails into his desk, K’haeth simply turns and exits the office. Second shift should be on duty by now, he thinks, perfect time for a progress report.

As he walks through the ship, he maintains that sick smile of his, flashing it at a passing crewmember. His victim, a young Sublieutenant, grimaces, bows her head, and moves away as quickly as military courtesy allows. K’haeth takes the long way to the lab, staying in the ‘normal’ decks of the ship, making his presence known to as many as possible. He revels in the fear.

Finally, through the security checkpoint; and then the second. Into the darkened, green-lit, twisted corridor. Down the long hallway and into the lab. He doesn’t expect the silence he’s met with.

A few moments pass as first shift clears out. When the last pair has finished lingering, Kirina moves around the room collecting a wide assortment of devices and hypospray vials, depositing them into a bag she has slung over her shoulder. She’s certainly taking her time, keeping an ever-vigilant eye on the door.

Second shift was supposed to be checking in with her in the lab to receive their individual assignments for the day. None reported for duty today. Aurelia had done well.

Kirina moves into the control room and waits behind the glass.

K’haeth finds himself in a very perplexing situation. As soon as he enters the lab, the door closes behind him and seals him in. Across the lab and through the glass separating him from the control room he’s met by the face of his own head researcher. The woman has that same sick and twisted sort of smile that he’d been sporting mere moments earlier.

“t’Nalah! Hwiiy dyypan veruul! What’s going on in here!”

The girl presses her palm against the glass, fingers extended. She’s waving, and she almost looks innocent. Almost. The moment comes and goes. Kirina seems to take great pleasure in slapping her hand down on the console.

In an instant, K’haeth finds himself swept off his feet. One of the wall panels breaks away, revealing a modified escape pod hatch. His own emergency protocol, working as intended, quickly blowing the contents of the lab out into space. So many questions run through his mind as he helplessly gasps for what little air may be passing near him. Before too long, his field of vision becomes filled with the ever-majestic exterior view of the Irix’s port bow.

… The seconds pass … 3-4-5-6 …

I’ve been betrayed, he thinks, expecting these thoughts to be his last, She must have had help…

… 13-14-15-16 … and then there was nothing.

“Seventy-Five. Seventy-Six. Seventy-Seven. Seventy-Eight. Seventy-Nine,” The computer speaks inside the control room.

“That’s plenty. Energize. Disable monitoring.” Kirina switches off the console, collects her bag, and moves into the adjoining surgical unit. K’haeth is on the table, pale, frigid, immobile. Apneic. The doctor appears to be in no particular rush as she leisurely wheels her instrument tray over and begins laying out her things. Each item has a place, of course, and it must be perfect before she can begin.

Finally finished, she loads three hyposprays and injects the Major with two of them in quick succession. In response, he gasps in a breath of air and his eyes open wide. She places a small rectangular device on his chest and then leans over the table so that he can see her without having to move his head much. She’s taken on an expression that resembles complete and utter glee.

“The Romulan Star Empire acknowledges your honorable service. Bed aoi.” Kirina injects him with the third hypospray. His breathing stops abruptly and a sort of generalized flaccidity sets in. His eyes frantically move around the all-too-familiar room, searching for any glimmer of hope.

“Computer, begin dictation: Subject Number Six-Thousand Two-Hundred Eighty-Four…”

Beep. K’haeth takes a breath.