
I know some of us are going to pick it up, some of us intend to migrate, and others have already tried it during the beta and giving it a no-go vote.

What's your opinion? What's your plan?

For me, I'll probably dabble...and by dabble, I mean I have this whack idea of 'roleplaying' Chassy as joining a Trek-Age MMO style holodeck program where some of the other players are other people from the Trek universe, while others are holocharacters, thus she has to hide her real identity and 'play along'. ...mostly just to entertain myself, since I don't expect I'll be doing a lot of RP over thar.
I already play to many games to even keep up with, GW2 (Which I haven't in forever) STO, Eve Online to name the MMO's, all my XBL gaming wih friends. Random PC stuff I do, and college work on top of that.
No I'm already insane, I don't need to become it again. I already sometimes get stir crazy (atleast the, "finding some little thing to do when your too bored for words").
The holodeck idea is a cool way to RP the setting. Nice!

I don't play fantasy games anymore. I've tried but can never get into them. Age of Conan was as close as I ever got but that one too, ultimately lost my interest. a very full plate, Eli! o_o I don't know how you manage.
Mathias wrote:
I don't play fantasy games anymore. I've tried but can never get into them. Age of Conan was as close as I ever got but that one too, ultimately lost my interest.

It's the exact opposite for me! Fantasy/medieval fantasy is my first love and constant <3; Star Trek is actually my first sci-fi RP setting. >_>

But then again, doesn't everything ultimately lose one's interest? Novelty is paramount!
Quae wrote:
But then again, doesn't everything ultimately lose one's interest?

Again, we've established you've never fully played Mass Effect. "You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it."

Neverwinter the MMO, is that associated with the game all my friends play called Elder Scrolls?
Nope, Neverwinter is classic Dungeons and Dragons, I think coming this year.

The Elder Scrolls MMO is for much later, and will either be epic or such a fantastic flop that even babies will weep.