LT R'mori
Counselor, DS13
SUBJECT’S NAME: Greene, Rhea
Basic Profile Assessment
Authority finds subject to be of sound mental health and fit for active duty.
Subject presented as professional and well-adjusted, polite and disarming, qualities likely both owing and contributing to her role as a career officer and physician. Subject has made occasional use of counseling services previously and, despite expressing a feeling of being “not the best at these kind of things”, subject was both open and forthcoming about her past experiences and feelings, giving authority the distinct impression that she would be a cooperative and willing patient if the need arose. Subject is a recent transfer to the starbase after a long string of shipboard postings, which she views as taking on a different kind of challenge. Subject is a self-described introvert, but a perfectly competent conversationalist, leaving authority with the impression that any lacking in sociability is primarily a conscious choice on the subject’s part, rather than the result of any particular lacking social skills.
Subject’s worldview and outlook on the motivations of others average neutral, with worldview leaning slightly pessimistic and motivations slightly optimistic. Self-esteem is reasonably strong, with some detractions in areas not uncommon for healthcare professionals. Locus of control is surprisingly balanced, with a mild external slant. Subject’s emotional support network has taken an expected hit from her recent transfer, but she is well-equipped to effect a recovery at her own pace.
Subject rated moderately high in openness to experience, with subscores suggesting she is likely a strong outside-the-box thinker. Subject’s agreeableness was also moderately high, pulled from the midrage by almost disproportionately high respectfulness. Though compassion rated somewhat lower than expected, authority is not terribly surprised to find this ratio in an experienced physician. Correspondingly, subject rated far more highly in conscientiousness, with a strong emphasis on organization and responsibility. Negative emotionality scores were low across the board, indicating career satisfaction and a low likelihood of burnout. Finally, subject managed a moderate extraversion score, carried primarily by energy level and despite remarkably low sociability. As noted earlier, this is easily attributable to personal preference and unlikely to be a source of stress.