Republic Duty Fitness Evals

Filed By:
SCDR tr'Nai, Jalme

SCDR “Max”



The subject exhibits several warning signs of egomania, including: (1) an exaggerated sense of self-importance; (2) grandiose delusions (e.g. likening himself to a general repeatedly); (3) paranoia and feelings of persecution centering on his treatment by the Republic, particularly relative to liberated Borg; and (4) a refusal to credit the legitimacy of the perspectives of others.



It may be true that the subject has been the target of reprisal attempts; however, the subject appears to have responded by disengaging from self-identification with the Republic or with the Rihannsu people at large. He claims to prize his own self-preservation above all other concerns, even the security of the Republic and will of the Senate, and intimates rather darkly that he would consider as his enemy any perceived threat to his survival. He makes frequent references to Romulans’ social traits (e.g. fear, secrecy, distrust, xenophobia) as though he were a thing apart, free of these failings and unduly burdened by dealing with us. Yet the subject speaks of Starfleet in a wholly different tone, holding up their intentions and judgment as unimpeachable. And, of course, he has chosen to continue honoring the Starfleet captain who recovered him with his namesake, rather than choose a more appropriate one.



The subject’s information processing and decision making capabilities are suspect, not solely in the instance of the Event Horizon Lounge incident. He is given to making firm declarative statements and reinforcing his certitude when doubted; yet he will admit to uncertainty, with no sign of introspection or reckoning, after being presented with a contradiction between the statement and some past testimony. The subject claims to feel no emotion whatsoever, yet exhibits visible indications to the contrary. With respect to the Event Horizon Lounge incident, the subject continues to maintain that his judgment was sound; when presented with hypothetical scenarios which puncture his arguments, he retreats behind the authority of the Starfleet officers who goaded him into intervention. None of this is typical of the analytical processing of a thinking machine, but rather that of an insecure animal, scrambling to assemble flimsy ex post facto justifications for its own senseless actions.


It is the opinion of this evaluator that the subject is malfunctional and untrustworthy. He has been granted rank and privileges far beyond what sound judgment would allow of such poorly understood Tal Shiar detritus. The prudent course would be for the Republic to cut its losses and deactivate the subject permanently.

However, if prudence is out of the question, the relevant authorities are advised that the subject should not be allowed to continue to operate freely in his current state. This evaluator recommends a severe curtailment of the subject’s authority and clearance until he submits to a level 1 diagnostic by qualified Republic cybernetics specialists and, if deemed necessary, modified to correct the defects in his behavior. The subject has indicated that he will not resist these measures if ordered.